
Why did my bus driver do this ? ! ?

by  |  earlier

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I got a completly new bus and a new driver. (by new bus I mean the newest ones out now) & new driver. He had been acting weirder then most bus drivers. He has yet to pass out a bus card or tell us his name which normally bus drivers do the first day ! & he always looks up at me and my friend Travis who we both sit together all the time. We're like best friends, even though I kinda like him. & he would always look up at me and him and give looks as if me & him are like making out & were like "oh yeah me and traivs are ontop of each other" & we were joking like that becuase of this ;

I get on and boys are on the right and girls are on the left . & I really like sitting with Travis becuase me & him have fun talking and being loud. & I'm like move over traivs im sitting with you. & he goes didnt you notice? The bus driver made boys on one side and girls on the other. Why would he do this out of the blue? So I was stuck being a seat with 3 girls and completly crammed becuase theres more girls then a row can fit!

& he would let ANY girls sit on the side with boys!

Even elementary kids were seperated! (i got to a k-8 school & im in the 8th grade thats why theres little kids with me). I mean I had NO room to get my bag to get off !

It pisses me off becuase i think its c**p that he did it. I mean no one is dating anyone on my bus, so obviously were not making out!

Travis was joking and said he thinks were making out caitlyn! & im like oh yeah me and you totally love each other! in a joking way, and he didnt look up as much since he's done this.

why did he do this ! ? ! ?

isnt it stupid ?




  1. The bus driver just wants to get everyone to school safely, which means if boys and girls together get too loud, he has to stop it. He needs to have no distractions or silly games while he drives.

  2. Cause your immature, who cares if you have to sit next to girls on the bus, its not for a long time.

  3. ya it is maybe you should just explain to the driver that travis is your best friend and hes not your boyfriend

  4. Are you sure you're not in 1st Grade?

  5. As a parent, I agree with your bus driver wholeheartedly!

    We send our children to school to learn, not to make out or pay more attention to each other that their studies.

    There have been a lot of sexual assaults on school buses anyway and I personally would like to see the boys put at the back half of the bus and the girls at the front if possible.

    That would separate them even more for the most part.

  6. Erh all of you peoples saying it's so he can concentrate...just think if there aren't enough seats for the girls on one row then he is breaking the law and putting childrens lives at risk...

    Report him girl. x

  7. he must be some kind of sicko! he probably has some nasty ideas about the girls or something like that. stay away from this guy!.that's my tip.good luck.creepy dude.

  8. Hey,

    You seem to be blowing this out of preportion. Bus Drivers are Strange if You Did not Allready Notice. They are very very strange. In fact that is the reason why the bus drivers because there strange people just relax!

    Shawn C.

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