
Why did my cat die???

by  |  earlier

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My cat recently died. He lost a tooth and the area around it was dark red and swollen. His mouth and nose were bleeding, and he didnt walk more than 3 steps at a time. When he tried to jump onto my couch he fell, fortunatly he fell on my fat dog. He had lost some weight, and the last couple days he barley ate. Why did my kitty die???




  1. He had a brain aneryism

  2. It could be a really bad infection, that spread to his body.

    you might find more info on this website

    sorry about your cat =[

  3. I am so sorry about your loss. I don't really know.  

  4. Sounds like you were too cheap to take him to a vet.

  5. do an otopsy!!!

  6. Depression.

  7. Your kitty had what the doctors call a terminal bar fight.  

  8. How long was your cat sick like this? You don't mention.  Could have been leukemia

  9. Your kitty died because he was not taken to the veterinarian when he was sick.

    When you own a pet, you must care for their health.

    Anytime your cat doesn't eat, or loses a tooth or can't walk, he/she needs to go to the vet.

    Your pet cannot speak your language, it is up to you to watch your cat carefully, and if they seem less than healthy or are acting strange, they MUST be taken to a vet, for evaluation and care.

    If you cannot commit to doing this, you should not take on the responsibility of pet ownership.

    Remember, your pet is dependent on you for clean food and water, warm, safe bedding, veterinarian care if sick, and plenty of love.

  10. Sounds like stomatitis, which is a chronic gingivitis that inflames the gum area of cats. Siamese and domestic shorthair ("mutt" cats) are especially prone to it. Because it hurts for the sick cat to eat, they will often starve to death. My cat is only 10 and he has it and we're really watching him and "babying" him so he'll eat, but it is difficult.

    Here's the link I got the information from. I'm sorry about your kitty. :(

  11. Um don't you think you should have took your cat to the vet when any of those signs started to appear?

  12. because he was really sick. maybe his tooth got infected and it spread  all over his body!!! please best answer me!!

  13. If your cat was loosing weight, not eating, and becoming very tired and sluggish theres a good chance it could have been going into kidney failure - this happened to my cat when she was around 11 years old.

    Also, your cat might have had a tumor?

    These are just guesses, I'm sure theres an explanation far better than mine, though I hope my guesses helped a little.

  14. =[


  15. 1. I'm sorry to hear about your loss.

    2. Why wasn't he taken to a vet when you noticed his tooth area was red and swollen? That's generally a sign of infection. A vet could have possibly prevented the loss or your cat could have been put down in a humane way.

    Was he an outdoors cat? If he's not, is there a way he could have snuck out recently? He could have gotten hit by a car or gotten into a fight with a local cat that may have had an infection. Vets could do an autopsy I'm sure, unless you already buried him or had him cremated.  

  16. Last couple days? You mean you had enough time to take him to the vet but you didn't? Why not? That would've been the best thing to do the moment you noticed something was wrong with him. Cats have very strange illnesses. They can kill a cat very fast. My cat got a throat condition one day, and I thought it was just a hairball when he was coughing but it wasn't. I took him to the vet and they said they had to put him to sleep, cat illnesses can take them very fast, plus, they are really good at hiding it. I don't know why he died, all I know is that taking him to the vet was what you should've have done as soon as you noticed.

    I'm sorry that had to happen, that's awful. :(

  17. Could he have been hit by a car? Why wasn't he taken to the vet asap? Or was it already too late?

    You could have an autopsy performed. Maybe the cat was abused by someone?  That's horrible. Call Animal Control if you suspect foul play.  More info needed.

    edit: He should have been taken to the vet as soon as you realized there was a problem. That's the responsible and humane thing to do. How awful. He might have been sick and needed medical attention. Cats are very good at hiding when there's a problem so when they show signs it's imperative you take the cat to a vet or at the very least call and tell them what you are seeing.

  18. maybe it was anaphylactic shock "a huge very bad infection" caused by an infection in his mouth?

  19. lack of breath maybe...?
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