
Why did my cat do this?

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It all started when my 20 year old daughter brought over her new kitten to show us. She would bring her kitten by a couple times a week because our six year old would beg her to. Then our unneutered 2 year old male cat(Sammy) brought a dead baby bird into the house. We didn't think there was any connection between our daughters kitten being here and him bringing in the bird. Well our seven year old son has been begging my husband and I for a kitten since his big sister has one. So we agreed but waited a few weeks so that we could show him how to take care of it by letting him feed Sammy and help with the litter.(We won't expect him to be able to handle all the responsibility but we want to show him the importance of caring for a pet) Well we brought home our sons kitten tonight and when Sammy met her he ran straight outside and moments later emerged with a live adult bird. I am wondering why he is doing this? Is it like a teen boy at a fair trying to get the biggest prize to win over a girl?




  1. He's jealous for attention and is bringing you a gift to show his love. I know we dont appreciate this act but he thinks its really some special 1 on 1 time with Sammy to show him you still love him.

  2. if the big cat was a female i would say she was bringing food to the kitten. but a male cat doing this i really don't know. we have had many cats. kittens around male cats, but no birds or anything ever brought in. as long as your big cat gets along with the kitten, be happy.  i'm glad you are teaching your son responsibility. so many parents never do.

  3. i would guess he is competing for your attention.

    show you he is better then the new kids.

    adult females will teach kittens to hunt.they bring a live animal and let it loose so the kitten can learn to chase it and kill it. cats live in prides and care for each other. but males dont usually do anything to help the pride, besides mate.

  4. He is bringing gifts it isn't because it's a female it is showing you hey- you love me more see what I can give you. Our male does it all the time but he is your basic hunter-birds squirrels mice rats we live in the country-- chipmunks moles he catches them all and brings them to us. we do have 2 other cats and he didn't do it untill we brought in the others.And some animals bring in their kill to help feed the pact.Instinct    they are born with. funny they don't make mouse flavored cat food LOL

  5. Maybe Sammy heard the bird outside at his favorite hunting spot and just took advantage of the situation.  Its not as if birds sit around waiting for the cat, so he probably just seized the moment, irregardless of the fact the new kitten was there, and because you were around wanted to impress you or show his love for you..  I don't imagine the kitten had much to do with it.  But you never know.

  6. Maybe your cat is just trying to greet the cat with a gift. Or it is showing you that it is still important even though that there is a new cat around. That's just my opinion.

  7. oh this is easy cats do that to so appreciation cats are often spoiled so they Will bring in a gift this often works with a male and the cat my even bring it to a female cat or most likely humans

  8. It doesn't matter why he is doing it.... all that matters is that you need to stop it. Keep your cat indoors. It is important to protect the native wildlife.

  9. He is showing off and showing you he is such a great cat he can bring you a prize.  It is best to give the older cat way more attention when you bring a new pet home.  He will be jealous and wants your attention.  He is bringing the bird to you not the new cat.  Make sure you play with him a lot while he gets used to the new cat, even if this means closing the new cat in another room so Sammy is the center of attention for a little while.

  10. Yes. Cats are very territorial and they also have a strong sense of social structure. The male is bringing gifts to either you or the kitten.

    John Steinbeck, in "Travels with Charlie" said that a dog who is raised with dogs thinks of himself as a dog. A dog who is raised with people thinks of himself as people.

    My amendment is that a cat thinks of you as a big cat, regardless. As long as you agree to behave by cat logic [If my head is under the sofa, you cannot see the rest of me because I cannot see you] everyone will get along fine.

    Do I have a solution that will satisfy the male cat and protect the songbird population? No.

    Are you about to feel the rain of s*it, fire and razor blades for admitting that you an un-neutered male indoor-outdoor cat? Probably.

  11. well i might be wrong but i heard that is for affection or to thanks someone. it like when they kill a mice or a mouse and bring it to a person or another cat. it maybe trying to show affection and show that he is also happy.

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