
Why did my cat leave?

by  |  earlier

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I had to kitten named Brandon. Although he was living outside I still loved him. He was my baby. I left for a 3 day convention and came back Sunday. When I saw him I was excited, but he felt kind of light. And I would feed him everytime he was hungry. The next day, he was gone. I haven't seen him since. His twin still lives here, but he's afraid of me. Can anybody tell me why he isn't here with me?




  1. Is someone supposed to rub a magic ball and answer this??

    If you "loved" this kitten why on earth did you have it LIVING OUTSIDE?  He wasn't your "baby" - he was a stray.  

    I highly doubt he's "gone" - he's probably DEAD.  The outdoors is a very dangerous place especially for a small kitten.  If you don't want the other kitten to suffer a similar fate how about bringing it INDOORS and giving it the care it needs - and deserves?

  2. was your cat fixed? if not that is why it left, to stray.

  3. prolly dead but h**l come back cuz he has 9 lives

  4. He might be getting more atttention elsewhere cats need to be fed regularly not just when they are hungry ......we leave dry food for our cat , water and he receives can food also he likes attention and goes in and out ............probably since your cat is outdoors maybe he is less attatched

  5. Because cats feel lonely too.  They get very depressed and anxious when their owners leave them, but I'm surprised it happened in such a  short time.  Was no one feeding him while you were gone?  That can do it!  Cats feel betrayal much easier then dogs do. (Because they're smarter).

  6. He's a male cat. That's what they do. He's probably out looking for a mate. That's why he seems lighter because he is using up alot of energy. He'll be back.
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