
Why did my cat stop using her litter box?

by  |  earlier

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She had kittens 7 weeks ago and they just started to use the litter box. The mother cat stopped using it. Why would she stop using it? Do I need a separate one for her now? I did notice a few accidents around the house. Thanks!




  1. maybe it is small

  2. if she does try and go in the litter box does it at all look like she is having a difficult time? the one sign that i have always noticed if a cat stops going in the litter box its because she is sick and she could have a UTI in that case you need to take her to the vet

  3. You need to give the Mother cat her own litter box.  One thing about cats, they are very clean and she won't go in a dirty box filled with her babies poo.  Also, clean out the litter box of the kittens very frequently as it will fill up quickly...If I forget to clean out the litter box in the late evening, (I clean it three times a day), my fussy cat (Natasha) an abysinnian will do her business on my good bath mat.  So it is so important to clean their litter box.

  4. My cousin had the same thing happen.  The vet said Mommy cat had a bladder problem, or something close related.  A cat suddenly has pain, for either function, and they relate the pain to the litter box.  This is common in cats and must be followed up by a vet.  

  5. are you cleaning your box out daily (and scraping to the bottom?)? If yes, are you replacing the old litter you are taking out daily with new litter (there should be 3-4 inches of litter)? Are you adding additives with a smell (they don't like things that have an odor - just use baking soda in the litter, 1/2 cup per 2 inches of litter)? Is the litter near their food (would you want to eat in a smelly bathroom)?

    If you have changed their litter lately, they may not like what you've bought, or you changed it too fast without introducing it slowly.

    If none of these things help, you may want to take him to your vet for a check up, there might be a health issue involved

  6. Litter box's are supposed to be personal. Like its kinda gross to go to a disgusting porta potty with someone elses f***s in it...EWW

    For the amount of cats you have, you need that many litter boxes plus one.

  7. Give her a new litter box. With 7 kittens it is probably to dirty for her. Some cats insist on fresh boxes just for them.

  8. your cat may have a urine infection,and cant make it too the tray in time.or it could be because the kittens are now using what was her own personnel toilet, try another box for the kittens and if it persists after you have got a new litter box then take the mother cat to vets.

  9. My parents bred siamese cats when I was growing up, and we always knew mom was getting ready to be rid of the kittens by her refusing to nurse them, and by refusing to use the same litter box.  Yes, you will need a seperate box for her, perhaps somewhere the kittens can't follow.  That will stop the messes.  Why do mom cats do this?  I don't know, maybe it's a part of separating herself from the kittens, but I bet if you get another litter box, the problems will get better.  You might want to start adopting out the kittens too.  She might continue to do this until they are all gone.

  10. It probably wouldn't hurt to add another litter box. I have six cats and I have 4 litterboxes for them to share. I know they can get picky if too many cats start to use one box. Cats can also start urinating outside of their litter box if they are feeling sick. Has she only stopped since the kittens started using it or did it start before that? If getting an extra litter box doesn't help you might want to consider a vet visit to make sure she doesn't have an infection or something like that.

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