
Why did my clock not change for Daylight Savings Time?

by  |  earlier

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I have a satelitte clock. and it changes automatically for DST. so why did it not change this time? i wake up, and i'm late for church. now my dad's gunna be a little upset because i wasnt at chuch. EEK.....anyway, was DST moved up or something. like last year? i'm so confused.




  1. Since we changed the schedule there have been sporadic difficulties with the time change.  Last year the blackberry folks had to send a patch and I read of other similar issues.  You might want to contact your clock manufacturer to see if they know of an issue.

  2. try resetting the satellite.

  3. Yep you guessed it! They changed DST last year so all self-setting clocks are screwed up!

  4. hey,

    your satellite clock will mess you up again !!!  next week, or maybe in two weeks, it will shoot forward an hour because it doesn't know any better and you will be early for church next time !!!

    won't that be grand.

  5. Same with me. It usually takes them awhile.

    Last year, it was 2-3 days!

  6. try unplugging it or turning it phone didn't change either then i turned it and on again and it was the rite time.:)

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