
Why did my computer turn it's self on?

by  |  earlier

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I have an HP laptop, bought it brand new, it's only a few months old. I went on a vacation for 3 weeks and i turned it off. I got back yesterday, and I decided to turn it on to check my emails. When I was finished, I think I put it in hibernation, or shut down mode but I didn't shut the monitor. I went to bed, and at 3 am I saw it turning on, and I think it was configuring updates. I'm just a little freaked out since I've been hearing all these ghost stories about ghosts coming at 3 am and doing things.




  1. possibly a virus?

  2. watch reality tv , they were reporting some laptops infected with ghosts. get an AntiGhost and scan ur pc ....

  3. The only ghost you need to worry about is the ghost of Bill Gates and his Windows Updates ;) Security updates or antivirus scans will often start at weird times like that if the PC has power to it, usually because it can do them without interrupting people while they are working.

    So no need to call a priest or hide under the bed, rest easy and get a good nights rest, nothing to worry about :)

  4. your computer, if in a sleep mode (not shut down) will automatically install important updates (generally security). It may have 5 minute countdown to restart if it is really important. In that case, 5 minutes after install, it will restart. and at any point the computer screen will turn on. If you don't want that to happen, set windows update to not automatically install updates.

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