
Why did my ghost shrimp die?

by  |  earlier

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I just bought some ghost shrimp to go in a larger tank I just set back up about a week ago. I brought them home, did the bag in water thing, got them in the tank. They where playing having fun. Turned the light out to go to bed. the next morning they are all on the bottom of the tank white in color not moving. Why did they die? They share the tank with an Oscar and two smaller fish. They were intended for food, but I really liked watching them that first night and want to get more. I just want them to last longer.




  1. ghost shrimp only last 4 a few dayz....they were probablly just already old...(did u put them in a salt or fresh water tank??) email me bak if u want my

  2. You know that 1 oscar will eat fish....& if you have 3 oscars...2 will get bored and eat the third...and then sometimes eat each other.....they love goldfish...

  3. how long had this larger tank been up and running (just a week??) and what were the water parameters? all inverts are very sensitive to water parameter problems, things like ammonia and nitrite spikes can kill them, as well as over 20ppm of nitrate. shrimp should only be kept in matured fully cycled tanks at least 3-6 months old.

    also, how large is the tank? adult oscars get over 12" and need at least 75 US gallons. the two smaller fish as the oscar matures may get eaten, or beaten up if the oscar sees them as a threat to its territory. oscars should NOT be fed feeder fish like goldfish, ghost shrimp like you are trying are much better for them.

  4. Either you bought sick shrimp, or your water is really bad. Since you have fish and they're ok i'm guessing, it's probably the former.  It couldn't hurt to do a little cleaning.  Then, maybe buy more shrimp from another store, or check the quality of the shrimp at the store you usually use.

  5. Well, here's your problem.

    You just set up the tank.

    Therefore the tank is not cycled.

    Ammonia sits in the highest levels, at the bottom of the tank.

    Your shrimp, live in the bottom of the tank.

    Therefore they died of ammonia poisoning.

    Cycle your tank fully before you get anymore shrimp!

    Hope this helps:)

    (Ghost shrimp DO have very short life spans, hence the 27 cent price tag for each one.. but they will live for up to a year, or so I've read.)

  6. they do better in smaller tank. it has to be a 10 gallon or smaller

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