
Why did my gums turn white?

by  |  earlier

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I have been using crest white strips this is about my 5th day. This morning before I put them on I forgot and brushed my teeth. Immediately after brushing my teeth, I put on the white strips. I had them on for about 15 minutes before I had to take them off because they were burning my teeth and gums so bad. When I took them off, I found that on the top of one of my front teeth around my gum was white looking. Also, this same thing happened at the bottom of one of my bottom teeth. What could have caused this? Can pregnancy affect this?




  1. Some people develop allergies to things even if they have used them before. After 3 years of using Rogain I developed an allergy to it.

                                       Signed Baldy

  2. Basically you got the bleach on your gums..When you place those strips on, make sure you keep the gell away from your gums. The white area will go away once circulation gets back through. Try vitamin E oil. This will cure it almost immediatley,

  3. Your tissue was slightly burned or temporarily bleached by the bleaching solution.  Don't worry, the tissue will return to it's normal color and sensitivity level within an hour or so.  Always follow the directions for dental bleaching; this is a common occurrence.

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