
Why did my husband and I got arrested?

by  |  earlier

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My husband got drunk and we of course, got into a heated argument, and he hit me at first, I didn't do anything, then he shoved me and pushed me so I hit him, and we just kept hitting at each other for about ten, and then I called the police, and when they arrived, I told them my side of the story, and they arrested both of us, because we both had injuries, but why was I arrested for defending myself. So basically, does it mean that when my husband hits me, I should just bear it all, and collect marks and injuries so he could get arrested, it doesn't make sense.




  1. You should have left the situation.  Did he force you to stay and defend yourself?  Sounds like some anger control and alcoholism issues here.  Live in a trailer?

  2. You got arrested because you stayed, and kept the fight going.  Next time, walk away and call the cops.

  3. It means you are living a white trash life. Leave your husband - normal people, in normal marriages, don't EVER need police intervention.

  4. You shouldn't just bear it. You should make every effort to leave the house. Fighting for 10 minutes leads police to believe it is mutual combat, which it probably was. Someone may start a fight and you can defend yourself. But if you continue the fight when it is responsible for you to disengage and leave, then you have a very good chance of getting popped with assault also.

    My personal guess, this isn't the first time this has happened at your house and your local PD is sick of it. So they decided to just put you both in jail for the night.

  5. Your case is considered domestic violence.

    The police charged you both because you both had injuries.

    You need to follow through and let the court sort this out.

    If you present the truth to the judge it will hopefully bringthis to a just end.

    Do whats best for you and be safe.

  6. Many states have a MUST arrest statute when it comes to domestic assault.  In other words, if an officer arrives at a domestic assault call and there is evidence that an assault occured, then the officers have to arrest the suspect...if not they can face IA or even charges.

    In this case it seems that you were both arrested due to the fact that you both kept hitting each other.  If someone started attacking me I would attempt to stop them while trying to get away from the situation.

  7. Doubtless the reason was poor grammer.

  8. Look at yourself Gina--you can do better than this.  Either stop drinking or just don't drink so much that you end up getting into trouble or making a fool out of yourself.

  9. It means you should get a different husband.

  10. .The reason is simple you both were fighting and the police did not witness who started it. So it was just easier to arrest both and let it come out later in magistrates or district judge court, If he hit you first you should have left and called the police rather than staying around.  I know it stinks but after 10 yrs in law enforcement , the man isnt always to blame

  11. No, you shouldn't have had to bear it.  The minute he puts his hands on you was when you should have picked up the phone and had him arrested.  The fact that you also beat him up is justified.  You both went at it for 10 minutes!  Think about it.  You aren't a victim, you are a participant! You both need to get help.  AA and AlAnon will help both of you along with anger management, some jail time, and therapy.

  12. Probably cause both had visible signs of injuries

  13. you got arrested because you called the pigs into personal buisiness. if he is hitting you leave him and keep government out of it. they dont care about you they get money for every head they lock in a cage

  14. well, ur husband is a total fuckwit if u ask me

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