
Why did my new gun come with a fired empty bullet casing?

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why did my new gun come with a fired empty bullet casing in a small manila envelope?




  1. These came, (usually 2) , beacause your gun was first tested before being sent to you. They fire these rounds to ensure that they are not giving you a defective gun. Just picture going out to shoot the first time and the gun blows up. ouch. Hope i helped.

  2.  Coming from someone with experience in Forensics, I just wanted to clear something up. It is not necessarily the firing pin that would be looked at in a casing-casing match: it is actually much more. An investigator looks at the little chip mark that is made on the casing by the ejector as well. This "tool" mark changes very little as the firearm is used, just like your fingerprints stay the same despite heavy yard work or the like. And I do not see the reason to appeal these laws: if you do not plan on using the firearm for illegal purposes, what is the point? Casing comparisons lead to cleared cases every day, you just don't hear about them because it is "techy science stuff" that isn't s**y enough to make the evening news. Appeal tax increases instead! haha

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