
Why did my pants catch on fire for no apparent reason?

by  |  earlier

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they just caught fire. What happened?




  1. See the link below that explains the combustion process.


  2. Were  they cords, are you "husky"? Could be friction.

  3. Maybe the pants are spontaneously combusting..........

    Maybe they were coated with combustable liquid and you were standing near an open flame or source of intense heat such as an oven.

    Or, as the others pointed out, maybe you are a lier lier pants on fire, wrap it up in bubble gum and send it to the navy.....or however that rhyme went.

  4. Are u in an incredibly hot room? If your environment is warm enough then things can just catch fire. Its the same as holding a match to it only the heat isnt localized in one place (like the flame of a match). Of course for this to happen to ur pants ud be incredibly uncomfortable. U dont wash ur clothes in lighter fluid do u?

  5. aren't hot pants in style now?

  6. Maybe your junk is too hot.

  7. Stop wearing that cheap polyester..

  8. blame the kid behind you....

  9. either you have a poltergeist or you have some pretty powerful farts!

  10. Stop buying stuff from china. Their trying to kill us!

  11. Maybe your bike leaked gas onto your pants and when you walked it rubbed together causing friction..then fire. I'm not a I don't know if this could happen. I see you're new to Y/A. Welcome! If you're telling the truth..I'm sorry you got so many rude answers. Your other Q&As look I'm going to assume you're telling the truth. But, why would you put it on Paranormal? You should ask the scientists. They usually hang out on Alternative too.(although I see some on here too..trying to answer your question)

  12. Quit lying. That should solve it.

  13. Place batteries and coins in the same pocket.  If they touch together (short-circuit) heat will occur which could cause fire.

  14. The mythbusters already debunked this one. Then again some one must have put the "Liar Liar curse on you".

  15. Stop Flicking your Bic!

  16. Pants don't just catch on fire. Something was on the pants. You need to figure out what was on the pants. That is what cought on fire and, in turn, caught your pants on fire.

  17. That's what happens when you f**t into a lighter.

  18. bill clinton had this happen due to friction. don't pull them down so fast.

  19. did you have fire ants in them????  ha ha ha

    more seriously - did you have a mobile phone in your pocket??? possibly on vibrate they have been known to spark

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