
Why did my parakeet suddenly start making odd noises?

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I am not really a bird person, but a snazzy parakeet flew into my yard and my dad caught it for me. I've had him for a week or two, I bought him a big cage, a toy, he has two perches, i change his water everyday, clean his cage daily, feed him, etc etc. And he normally sings a ton. Today, though, when he was singing, he woudl sing a bit then start making a bizarre noise followed by some sounds that were kinda quiet and hard to make out. I talk to him all the time, to keep him from getting lonely. Is he sick?




  1. parakeets make all sorts of noises.  Sometimes when they are content they will make quiet noises, hard to explain.  Is he acting strange.  Is he fluffed up, is he eating any less.  Birds are really tricky when they are sick--they can hide it for a while.  Have him checked out by a vet who sees birds.  Also look for sound clips or you tube videos of parakeets and see if you hear the noise yours is making.  It might just be that happy quiet chirppy, buzzy hard to describe sound.

  2. Hes just chatering! or if youve tiried to teach him to talk he coud be attempting it!! NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT!! My keet george does the same!!

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