
Why did my partner make me cry? ?

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On the phone today my partner was hinting that I'm obesessive. He is overseas & I send him messages telling him that i want him 2 know how much I love him every second day. Then today when he called me, he wanted 2 hang up after 15 mins b/c apparently his dad was with him & I was like can't we speak a little longer? That made him angry & he said that he went there to relax, not to think about me 24/7 or something along the lines. I was hurt & pretended to be happy 2 let him go & wished him a nice time. I tried 2 be casual. But why is he feeling like this!?? I don't think I'm obssessive... far from it. I am in tears atm from the humiliation, i feel so ashamed. Like I've let my pride down or something :(




  1. just drop it b/c if u tell him how you feel he will turn it around on you. he will get mad at you again. but if he does it again remind him if this time time

  2. Men are very black and white people. They are simpler and easier to get along with than we give them credit for. In his mind he wasn't hurting you, he was just wanting to get off the phone.

    That's all. Let it go. Men don't obsess of every word like we do. They just don't.

    It took me years to learn that but but boy, is life simpler now.  

  3. You may a little too clingy. But he shouldn't of been like "i don't want to think about you 24/7. When he gets back you need sit down and have a talk but in my opinion i would dump his _____.

    Good luck and stop crying God doesn't like it when his kids cry.

  4. You are suffocating him.  Everyone needs their space.  You can miss someone, but do it with some tact.  The more you smother, the more he will pull back.  Get a grip.

  5. Sometimes we can't see things about ourselves. If your partner says you are obsessive, he probably is bothered by how much you are calling him. He wants space and you are not giving it to him. However, I know many couples that talk daily, so I don't think that is obsessive at all. It sounds like your partners has issues with either you or with himself. And, the more you try to get close to him, the more aggravated he becomes because he does not want that. My best advice to you is to lay off - do not call him for a few days and let him be the one who initiates the phone calls to you. Spend the time trying to figure out why you are calling him (are you desperate to reach out to him in hope that he will give you some attention?) If he doesn't call to check on you, you may need to think about the future of the relationship. He may want out, although you want it to be together.

  6. Anytime you say things like "I want you to know I love you every second of the day" it is time to re-evaluate.  That is obsessive.  Clingy.  Grow up.  Give him some space.  

  7. Your very sensitive,and you care about this person.That is okay,but it is also okay if he has it his way too.and being far away maybe hard for you ,but he'll be back,find something to do to kill time .A 15 min.conversation is plenty. Maybe you are a little obsessive.Chill it will be fine,do like he wants to do RELAX.

  8. Your partner didn't make you do anything. You decided to cry.

    And, yes, I'd get angry too if I was with a relative and my wife started pressuring me to talk longer on the phone after we'd been on for 15 minutes already.

  9. well if he went there to relax and you are calling him everyday, then yeah thats a bit obsessive and you should prolly chill on contacting him and let him contact you before you really start pissing him off.

  10. you answered your own question

  11. I would say if you're sending him one or two text every couple days you've done nothing wrong. If he's getting angry and saying nasty things it may be time to reconsider this relationship. There is no reason he should be like this unless he is the one that has the problem.  

  12. Long distance relationships can be tough. With that said, sounds like you may have to give him some space. It sounds like your a bit clingy, you need to find things to keep you occupied. Try to set a date/time to talk to each other, and let him know how you feel. Best of luck to you both.

  13. guys like to get away

    as many times as he'll ever tell you he doesn't want to think about you

    he always is, if he really loves you

    don't call him for a while

    make sure he is the first one to call you

    that'll teach him to miss you

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