
Why did my pony cut me off and walk infront of me? Please help.?

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I just got a new quarter paint pony 16 yrs, 14hands. I have been working with her in the turnout makin her run, and work. I put down the whip walked over to her told her how good she was and slowly started to walk away to see what would happen. She started to walk up next to my right side slowly passed me and walked directly infront of me cutting my direction and pushing me to go to the left instead very sharply. I thought this was cute at first, but now I wonder if its a power control thing. Can anyone tell me why she is doing this? And how can I stop her from doing this? I tried to gently push her face ithe other direction, but she kept trying to push me to the left instead by walking almost directly infront of my path. I would love some advise, and if this is an issue of control I need to get it stopped now.




  1. My horse does that sometimes when i bring him in from the field. Try putting a head collar on her and walking upto the gate. If she nudges you then be forceful with her. Make sure you hold a tight grip of the lead rope with one hand under her chin. Give her a slight yank down using your hand under  the chin if she starts playing up. Gradually my horse is getting better now. It takes time though. And i know exactly what you mean-it seems cute at first but gets annoying soon after. But with my horse it really was about being forceful. You have to get them to do what you want them to do. Dont let her get her own way.

    Hope this has helped :)

  2. She is doing this from disrespect. She is testing you to see who the dominant one is. And is that case she knows she is. There are a lot of excersises you can do, that will teach her to be more respectful, but not ruin her trust. I use lunging for respect on all of my horses. Here are the steps to making you horse a respectful friend:

    1. Point in the direction you want to go(whoever moves first loses)

    2. Then if she doesnt move, then tap the nearest body part 3 times with the lunge whip conseistantly.(not the head, but neck and shoulders is fine)dont forget to kiss or cluck to her also.

    3. If she wont move in the direction you want then imediatly tap her harder. If she still wont move then whack her with it. Dont be afraid you will hurt her, you cant whack her nearly as hard as another horse would.

    4. When you want her to stop and change direstions. You are going to take a step in front of her driveline, pull to you waist and the whole goal is to get her to yeid the hindquarters.

    Usually when I first taught it to my horses they never got past step two. She might try to kick and/or bite, charger show her dominence. Just ignore it and keep the pressure on her. When you are doing this types of lunging for respect you want her to trot energetically around you. but afetr you work with her alot on this she will trot nicely with her head down and be more respectfull anywhere.

    Email me at and I can give you more excersises to get her to lead better once she is respectfull, and for emore details is you decide to use my method.

    Thanks, and hope this works for your pony!

  3. she's possessed

  4. She is trying to push your buttons to see who is the boss. If you have a round pen avalible, work her in it. It might sound mean. But, it will help establish that you are the boss...Start working her like normal, giving her a good warm up.

    Then kick it up a notch, make her canter, and keep her going until she starts to slow down, make her canter some more. If she starts getting winded slow her down to a trot. After she takes it slow for a bit she will be able to go again. Then let her stop, if she turns to face you with her head down, its good. If she keeps her head up, make her go again.

    Keep doing this for a while until she keeps her head down and walks up to you slowly. Pat her and tell her she's a good girl. Then start to walk off, she should follow behind you with her head still down. If she tries to get infront of you, make her run again.

    Keep on with this until she gets the idea. It may take a few days. And she may get lathered up and winded some. But it works.

  5. She was disrespecting you. By pushing you out of her way, she was showing you she is dominate over you. She basically said you were of little concern to her. To stop this, whenever she does it, you should push her away from you. Let her know that you won't tolerate an invasion of your space. Horses need to learn to respect your space. If they don't learn this, you could be hurt. Just push her, don't stay mad. All it takes is a push every time she steps into your safe zone. She will learn that as long as she respects your space things will be fine.

  6. maybe she sensed danger and wanted to keep you from harm

  7. every time the horse dose this you must chase the horse away until it stops it then go on with what you where doing. never let the horse get away with this other wise you may get heart. all the pony is doing is trying to be lead mare in the heard you must make shore the pony knows you are lead mare in the heard getting some help from a friend who can see what you are doing wrong will help much and then they can help you.

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