
Why did my previous question has been removed?

by  |  earlier

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The question was about the questions in this travel category




  1. ^

    at least yours had a reason..

    mine was removed without any reason given...

    welcome to Y!AM..

  2. the budus toilet bowl

  3. what was the question about? mine was removed was posted months ago in the journalism section...i was asking about a criminal case...well maybe mine was removed becos i had violated the rules...but than again like bean said maybe becos few people had reported the question...thats why...

  4. So, your Q has been removed because you were chatting. with us! lol...better luck next time.


    we in YAM need luck..even if we are not guilty, this incident will happen because of the existence of reporter. got it?

  5. babye...

  6. yea ..we called them Toilet Bowl......

  7. got a stinkin rat in that stinking toilet bowl....

    i got one theory - mayb one who got the most numbers of tds there reported the q? she/he wanted to run in the cave and hide.

  8. It must have been reported by a few people I guess..

  9. erm, just appeal as many times as you can. I previously appealed 6 times and they refuse to reply me anymore

  10. At least we know our questions are finally

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