
Why did my squirrel die?

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I found a baby squirrel 8 years ago. It only had one back leg so I kept him because I didn't think he could live wild. He did good all these years 'til he died a few days ago. He acted dizzy & then died around an hour later.




  1. It could have been old age.

    You don't necessarily know it's age becasue you found him.

  2. 8 years is a long time, depending on what species it is. Males have shorter life expectancies than females as well.

    Also, the missing back leg might have weakened it. Think about it, if you had to move around with one leg all of the time, your heart would be very stressed, so maybe he died from heart fatigue.

  3. probably old age, 8 years is a long time! But if he was dizzy, maybe it was because he was hit by somthing, do you have any other pets that might have done that?

  4. What species? I'm not sure about other squirrels, but the American Grey has an average life expectancy of 12 yrs. Although it's possible that the missing leg caused some issues that you were unaware of.

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