
Why did my work cut my hours? Am I being duscriminated against because of my disability?

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I am really hurt by this. Tell me what you think.




  1. It's more likely to be your spelling skills.

    Seriously, you can't get through life whining that you're disabled, and expecting people to say, 'oh, ok, so you don't have to have as high a standard of performance as everyone else.'    I don't even know HOW you're disabled, but however it is, there are people more disabled than you who've managed to carve out a business that they can EXCEL at.  

    Bottom line:  quit your job and find a new one, or be creative and make your own job.

  2. that really doesn't tell me anything, but if you're the only one who's hours are being cut. check with osha.

  3. Ask the Office Administrator, or the Office Manager.  

    We do not work in your office.  They made the decision.  These days, many companies are cutting staff.

  4. Well, it's ruff to say, since I don't know what your disability is, but I think if they are discriminating against you because of it, then you may have cause for a law suit.  I'd bet that it has more to do with our economy!  I had my hours cut at my second/part time job as a cook in a restaurant, and was a bit concerned at first, then I realized that it was done in order to give the new guy more hours, and since I have a day job, it made since to take some of my hours for him.  I did speak with the owner of the business & he assured me that it was nogthing I did, he just needs this guy in order to be open for lunches, so he needed the hours for him.  You may want to ask your boss about it, it may help you to feel better about the situation, if you find out that it has nothing to do with you personally.  Good Luck.

  5. Maybe put just work as hard as you can , maybe they just got more workers ? I guess thats all I can say .

    Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  6. Ask them ,we've no clue.

  7. You would have to give us more details before anyone could form an opinion.  If your disability is long term and does not affect your work, then it could be considered unfair discrimination, but if everyone's hours were cut, or if your disability is recent and does interfere with your work, then it is probably not unfair discrimination.

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