
Why did not New Zealand become part of Australia?

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Why did not New Zealand become part of Australia?




  1. they were never the same....two different cultures, two different customs and just to far apart.

    New Zealand never had anything to do with australia and although they were very close in relations during war times and in sporting teams for a while, it was in the best interests that they remained different.

    like K Bear said, just like the USA and Canada.....same with France and Italy even!

  2. The same reason why Canada isn't part of USA - they are just two separate country's !

  3. NZ seriously considered federating with the Aus states in 1901 but in the end decided against it and WA joined at the last minute

  4. Because the Hobbits who live there don't like change.

  5. Why WOULD New Zealand become part of Australia?

    It is completely separate islands - different indigenous people, different cultures, different history.

    I don't understand the question??

  6. Like K Bear said.

    It's the same reason Canada isn't part of the USA, Sweden isn't part of Norway or Portugal isn't part of Spain etc.

    Different people, different countries.

  7. why would they?  hundreds of miles separate the two countries

  8. because they are so far away from Australia, but many New Zealander immigrate to Australia, and the Maori are very different from the Aborigines, they had signed treaties with the British while the Aborigines were steam rolled

  9. Its historical.  Australia was several different colonies and for the most part, NZ was effectively another one.  In fact, it was more similar to say NSW than NSW was to western australia.  When the Australian colonies officially unionized, the NZ government at the time did not want to.  The Liberals had a lot of power and wanted to maintain their relative strength and independence.  Basically they did not want to be subordinated by some higher level Australian government.  There are other factors, including whether it was beneficial economically at the time, but it was decided by the government of the time not to join.

    In respect to distance, given the shipping routes it was easier to access New Zealand for people in say Sydney, than it was to access Western Australia.  Distance was not really an issue even at that time.

  10. They nearly did at federation in Australia and the Australian Constitution includes New Zealand. NZ could become a State of Australia just by having a referendum and agreeing to do so. As they are included in the Constitution already, it will be easy for Australia to accept them.

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