
Why did one of my sunflowers stop facing the sun?

by  |  earlier

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I have been growing sunflowers in my front lawn since May and one of them finally bloomed 3 days ago. Ever since the yellow finally showed up on the flower, the plant stopped following the sun in the sky. It faces to the left side of my lawn. I have no idea why. All my other sunflower plants still follow the sun, but the one that bloomed didn't. Is that permanent or is it in a stage? I'm afraid it might die soon or something.




  1. It should be fine. I have sunflowers in my backyard that are shaded by the house about half of the day.

  2. sunflowers are sensitive. did u ever thing that maybe it is SCARED of the sun? huh? did you? maybe its allergic. my flowers do this nd u kno wut i did? i bot them a flowerpist. (a therapist for flowers) he fixed them rite up and theyre happy now. remember. treat them as an equal. always start by asking if theyre okay. if thye say yes, things are okay. if they dont say anything, then call a flowerpist!!! rite away!!!! it should be in the local dex.

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