
Why did one of the disciples of Jesus ask Him to teach them to pray in Luke 11:1?

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The disciples could have asked Jesus for anything, and they asked Him to teach them to pray. Your thoughts?




  1. They ask him to teach him to pray because they wanted knowledge of what Jesus knows. And Jesus taught them to pray not like the Pharisee did but to start out praying with our father. They also knew that prayers work. I know what ever i pray for just as long it is in Gods will, will be done. Not on my time but his. I just think that the disciple wanted to pray like Jesus did, and he wanted to be close to his God. Praying to God is a personal relationship between man and God and I think that what the disciple wanted, was to be close to his master.

  2. I don't know but I suspect it has to do with Judaism.  

    Then again, I'd probably ask the same question eventually, it can be a problem knowing if you're praying 'correctly' in that you don't want to make a mistake and say something ugly to God unintentionally.

  3. Well I have watched people pray I noticed that on the 700 club they close their eyes real tight and other don't.  So i guess you have to learn how to close your eyes just right for God to hear your prayer.

    $.05 please

    The real answer is that is how Luke wrote the fairy tale.  I bet you ask "why" about what happen in movies also.  

  4. They understood that Jesus was the perfect example and they wanted to learn how to have a personal relationship with God

  5. They saw for themselves that it worked for Him !

    There was Power in His prayers !

  6. Even Jesus prayed to his Father. Prayer is a powerful powerful thing

  7. He saw how close Jesus was to God when He prayed and he wanted to experience that same closeness and asked how to get it by asking to teach him how to pray.

  8. First, I'm sorry for one of the atheists here taking an inappropriate tone with you.

    In regards to this great question, I feel that this is so underrated! The power of prayer is so intense that it should be one of the first things we emphasize as believers in Jesus Christ!

    This passage indicates that the main way to communicate with God is through the power of prayer. They are obviously people with God close to their heart! Oh how I only wish we had that kind of population in this sick era we live in!

  9. Well, the disciple saw how Jesus' prayers were answered without  question.  They saw his  wonderful life of love and giving so they knew it had to be his prayer life that caused this, the disciples also wanted to be like him so they knew they had to learn to pray.

  10. becuase prayer is the strongest bond from man to god. On this earth, prayer is our true connection to heaven and God, and I believe he knew that, and wanted to take advantage of it.

  11. Well, you have to remember that before Jesus came... We didn't really have the privilege of prayer. Communicating with God was only possible through burnt offerings and by way of Priests... So they didn't really know HOW to pray, they'd never really done it personally before.... So when Jesus gave us the opportunity to do it through him, rather than through animal sacrifice, of course his disciples would want to know the proper fashion... So he gave them guidelines :) Wasn't that nice of him?

    Besides, prayer is vitally important for lots of religious people... It was the same back then... Prayer is a gift, and a way to approach God... why not learn the basics from the greatest teacher to ever live, right? :)

    Good question... definitely something to think about :)

  12. I agree with Nina.

    Christ is the perfect example.

    If I heard Christ pray, that would be absolutely amazing.

    Prayer more then anything (I think) gets us closer to God to form a relationship with Him.

    Prayer is extremely important because we thank God for all He has given us, and we can ask for strength. I would say there is a correct pattern for prayer, to show respect. Who would know better how to pray then Christ Himself?

  13. Thank God, the disciple asked Jesus that, That when our Father gave us the Lord prayer, and in that prayer it says it all.  This prayer  is a comfort to every soul. God Bless.

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