
Why did one sermon of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, which He preached upon the Mount if it was put on a scale?

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would out weigh the wisdom of Greece and Rome?

If you take the philosophers like Socrates, Plato, Solon and all the great men of former ages if they were all put together, of what small account were the maxims that they taught man kind for the promotion of real happiness and true goodness.




  1. You can't even put a sentence or question together correctly, and you are going to preach to us about philosophy?

  2. Every person you mentioned but Christ, were only philosophers. Jesus was God. Happiness and goodness are nothing apart from God.

  3. Heh

    I think you may be shorting the effect that Socrates and Plato and Solon had on civilization.

    Our ability to reason comes directly from those men and their schools of thought.

    Jesus told you to love one another, until he returns to destroy a majority of mankind.  His teaching resulted in war and division, and was so unclear that it causes families to split over doctrine.  

    Give me the wisdom and effect of Socrates, Plato and Solon anyday.

  4. The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here.

    Matt 12:42

    God makes for the greatest teacher. who could overtake Jesus in a thought? who could plow down His teachings? the Bible says His voice is as the sound of many waters... meaning His words fill you to the brim and you'll be certain to hear them over and over again thundering within yourself.  

  5. No one can compare to the King of Kings , He has no equal  , Amen o:)  but yes I see your point , Men's wisdom is dull when compared to the Lord Jesus , no one else can offer words of eternal life or change a life with his words like Jesus did in this He stands alone ~

  6. Jesus Christ is wisdom itself

  7. There is much more to Christ than a mere single sermon.   He atoned for the sins of the world, sacrificed himself upon the cross to atone for our sins, thus paying the price of justice to allow his mercy to play out.

    That alone, makes Jesus Christ the single most important aspect of our human condition than all of the world's other philosophers combined...

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