
Why did our government give out a stimulus package when they didn`t have the money to do so?

by Guest67124  |  earlier

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and yes they borrowed it from China..WHY?




  1. Because they are not the ones that are going to be paying it back, WE ARE.  That's right.  The American taxpayer is going to be paying back the money for the "great" stimulus package, WITH INTEREST!!!  Yet, there are people out there that think it is just wonderful.  They just can't wait to get their grubby little paws on it so they can go to Wal-Mart and buy a bunch of stuff that was made in China.  That way China gets paid even more.  WooHoo!!

  2. They thought that borrowing the money, from people who had it, would be more effective at increasing the velocity of money than simply letting the proprietors of that money spend it.  Which is not totally economic nonsense -- but it doesn't miss by much.

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