
Why did people think Obama was Muslim? Isn't he obviously Irish? O'bama O'Malley O'Toole?

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What's the difference. Irish people aren't Muslim. They're leprechauns. And Leprechauns bring good luck. We all know what the other people have brought. I thought everyone loves the Irish. So if that's true than everyone should love O'bama!




  1. I'm afraid McCain is the Irish tool in this election.

  2. If it talks like, thinks like and acts like,, it must be a muslim

  3. What the heck?  Ok what ever, start listening to the radio, perhaps your questions will be answered.

  4. Truth is stranger than fiction.Some blue blood society found that Obama actually does have Irish ancestry.

  5. His birth father was a muslim, then his mother remarried a second muslim and moved to an Islamic country Indonesia.  She left him because he was becoming too "western".  Many of Obama's friends growing up were Pakistanis.  Don't forget his friend Tony Rezko.

    Obama has said he is a Christian and I believe him.  The suspicions are based on his many associations to muslims.  

  6. most people are not this sophisticated.

  7. actually leprechauns are evil.  they play tricks on people and then kill them.  havent you seen the movies?

  8. :)

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