
Why did princess diana die?

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Why did princess diana die?




  1. She got into a car, didn't wear a seatbelt and was then driven at 100mph by a drunk driver. End of.

  2. cos being splattered from one end of Paris to the other is not to good for ye health....

  3. Basically she died because her heart stopped beating, so her brain was very quickly starved of oxygen and life became extinct within her.

    If she had been a sensible lady and worn her seat belt she might well be alive to-day.

  4. A terrible car accident!!!

  5. Diana died as the result of blunt force trauma to the thoracic region--in layman's terms,the car crash caused a severe injury to her chest,so severe that her aorta,a major vein that supplies blood to the body,was severed.

    Diana was the victim of an impaired driver.Henri Paul was impaired enough by pills and alcohol,to be not able to steer a powerful,speeding car safely.He crashed into a concrete column in the Pont d'Alma Tunnel.

    Diana wasn't wearing her seat belt;wearing a seat belt could have saved her. The only survivor of the crash,Trevor Rees Jones, was wearing a seat belt.The seat belt would have been able to lessen the jolting forces of the crash to the body,resulting in slighlty less traumatic injuries.

    There were no conspiracies,just a crash caused by speeding paparazzi chasing an out-of-control Mercedes. It's sad,but anyone can die in a car crash caused by a drunken driver,even a princess.


  6. well techincally because she stopped breathing...


  7. because she was in a car accident and had serious injuries

  8. the car she was in was being driven by a drunk driver and she did not have her seat belt on

  9. dodi's driver drove drunk, Di die, dodi die, driver die

    You can singalong if you like

  10. cause she did, how knows why anyone dies, it happens

  11. well i wasnt happy with her so i fed her to santa

  12. She was out for a bit of jiggy jig, the car crashed, she died. End of story. (Why did Elton John sing at her funeral? He was the only queen who cared!)

  13. She got in a car with a drunk driver and she was not wearing her seatbelt. Please note that the only person wearing a seatbelt was the only one to survive. What does that tell you?

    The stuff being quoted her about her being pregnant and murdered because she was dating a muslim is a bunch of

    bullwash. Her boyfriends father is a well known crackpot who has it in for the British government because they would not give him citizenship in Britain mainly because of his highly suspect  financial dealigs with terrorists etc.  Every chance he gets he tries to stir the pot and because he has a lot of money he can buy the press to print his rubbish.

  14. Pregnant with a muslim child in her,talking too much about the Royal family and how she was treated by them.Not a good combination,sure they were gonna knock her off!

  15. She stopped breathing...

    her heart stopped beating...

    her brain died...

    the usual really!

  16. LibertyWarrior is absolutely correct. Diana was liquidated by the British secret service for dabbling in politics and having a big gob.

    It will be revealed 50 years later under the official secrets act, when no one really cares.

  17. 10 years later who cares! get over it

  18. Helloooo ... she had a serious car accident !

    She was a human .....

    You know all humans die someday....

    Death does not look the social status of a this we all are equals !

  19. Drink driving, speeding and no seatbelt. Same reason why millions of others have died on the road.

  20. Because her car hit a bridge. Its upsetting but it was a long time ago and i think we should let it rest now.

  21. she died because she loved some one of another ethnicity and the queen didn't approve of it

  22. Because she hit a dashboard at 60 miles an hour, probably.

  23. Because the car crash she was in caused her to be seriously injured.

  24. They killed her because 1- she had to be dead in order for Charles to be crowned king someday. The Anglican Archbishop cannot crown a divorced man. Can't be done in their religion.  2- Diana opposed the use of land mines in war. Land mines are a favorite of the U.S.-British war machine/military industrial complex. Diana protested land mines & sought to have them outlawed because children in war zones get their hands blown off and get their bodies blown up. She complicated things for the military/industrial complex. 3- She was engaged to a Moslem and from Egypt.  Far too dark and foreign to be that near the British Royal Family. Way to dark to be that near the British Princes and way to near and maybe bring Moslem relatives into the British Royal Family. That's a no-no. 4- The British have always killed wives that they reject. That's their practice. Read history. That's my anaylsis.

  25. she was driving her car and she saw a cat and  she went out to take it and there was a car and hit her

  26. A car crash

  27. She had a relationship with Dod Al Fayed who is a muslim and Prince Phillip didn't want the ex wife of his son to have relations with a muslim man and have his children, so he was responsible for her death.

  28. A car crash.

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