
Why did puppy have to die from spay ?

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I had lost my pure breed Lhasa Apso , named Mushi who was 12 months old, she was just like a baby loving, greeted us when we came home, just full of life, I can go on and on, and suddenly her life was cut short. due to having her Spayed please please think and research your vet before spaying, I didn’t even think of her dieing it did not even cross my mind since I thought spay was so routine. What that poor baby went thru and what I witnessed was so horrendous, it was a nightmare. I had picked her up from the clinic the following day after her spay, and No Post op instructions were given to me on emergency numbers or how to take care of her after wards. I had to ask when it was ok for her to go up the stairs. I was so stressed about her surgery (this being my first Spay). When we brought Mushi home she was reluctant to walk and would take a couple of steps at a time, so we carried her outside to do her business, etc.

So 4 days after I called the Vet to tell them she was in pain and not walking they said bring her in, we did they took temperature, looked visually at incision, gave us pain med and dismissed us in a hurry. Following night at 11pm Mushi”s tummy ruptured (dehisced) and her internal organs were outside of her body on the ground, what a awful thing to see my beloved baby go thru, it was excruciating, my daugther and I called 911 since no instructions were given, who in turn sent us to Er, it is a longer story, but in the end

Mushi being in pain had transected her intestines, and I had to do the hardest thing of all especially not being able to say goodbye, or kiss her I was in shock and did the best thing I could , I asked the Er vet what would you do if this was your puppy? and she replied, put her to sleep , so I did the only thing I could to end her suffering, what a Loss, what a inhumane way to die, so suddenly, and unexpected. I am still in shock, I wish I would have never spayed her, she would still be with us, full of life, vibrant giving us unconditional love and trust. Thank you for reading, I am still emotional over her loss.




  1. Sorry to hear about your very sad loss. MOST dogs are spayed without there being problems. But any operation involving anaesthetic involves risk.

    Check to see if your vet was liable and if they have insurance... you might want to think about suing them if they were negligent.

    There is no way your dog should have been allowed home without you being informed about after care...

    Were they intending to check up on her again? Did they tell you to get in touch if you were concerned or there seemed to be a problem?

    Things can and do go wrong with it being no ones fault, but if you think there is negligence then sue the vet.  

  2. it sounds to me like the vet didnt know what they were doing. that and im not sure if you should have taken her outside quite yet they are very prone to infection after surgery.

  3. I am Soooo sorry for your loss.  what a terrible thing to happen to your beloved Mushi.  I am sure that you must be devastated about all of the and both you and your daughter must be so sick about it.

    You are absolutely right about researching your vet especially if you are a new pet owner.

    Ask about vets in the community with friend that have pets,also there must be some sort of rating scale on the Internet regarding vets, do you think?

    Please consider counseling if you need it to help you along with the grieving process.  And remember the joy that your little dog brought you, remember the silly things that she did, it is normal to feel the pain, but it is normal to remember the good stuff too. Here is a site on grief counseling.

    I have lost many pets over the years because of old age, accidents, and illness, please heal and don't resign yourself to never getting another dog.  You sound like you were wonderful pet parents and there are many pets out there who need good homes.  I have three rescue dogs and they have helped me  so much over the years.  two of them, who people said were really badly behaved, are now therapy dogs and visit at schools and hospitals and nursing homes.

    Keep your heart open and please accept my condolences.

    I'm sorry if this seems jumbling, but your situation has really touched me.


  4. I'm so sorry hun for your loss you need to make a complaint against the vet while spay and neutering carries there risks i have 4 dogs spayed the most recent monday and have never had any problems after wards,

    I cant imagine what you went through but to see your beloved pet in so much pain must of been heart breaking and all i can say hun is complain something is not right there ,

    Did you have pain medication for her antibiotics ,and you should of gone back 3 days after for a check up and then a further 7 days for the stitches to be taken out,

    I work for the RSPCA the uks largest animal charity and ive never come across this before in the 15 years of working with them,

    MY heart goes out to you hun and your beloved dog you must compalina nd get justice for your baby

  5. I am really sorry for your loss this is a terrible thing to have happened but it is also very unusual.

    Most spayings are very successful and result in happy dogs (and cats) who live longer.

    One day you will feel ready to have another dog to share your life with, please consider spaying her, ask around and find the best possible vet and explain to him/her what happened to poor Mushi. S/he will be able to reassure you.

    I  understand how difficult it is to lose a pet they are part of our families.  I hope your grief will pass.

  6. Oh sweetie , Im soooo very sorry to hear that!!  What a horrible , horrible thing for you and poor little girl to have happen!  Is there an recourse you can sue this vet for mental angish and total incompitance?  Maybe he should not practice if he is not capable.  I know there is always a risk with surgery AT THE TIME ITS BEING PERFORMED but afterward thats just unheard of. I too have a little Lhasa (male) and I feel for your loss they are beautiful giving little souls.  If it were me, I would want this vet discredited and taken from practicing .  

  7. I'm sorry about your dog it was not your fault the vet should have done something rather then just sent you away. Dam doctors think they know everything a friend of mine just about died from them being in a rush.

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