
Why did senator Mccain...?

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Why would he select the alaska gov as VP, he is 73 years old if something happens to him we are left with someone who has very little expierience. Sort of hypocritical don't you think after the big deal they make about Obama and his expierince. Btw i'm a republican just dissapointed in his selection and was wandering if anyone had any ideas to why he choose her for diversity mabe?




  1. The first rule is to get elected.  

    She helps the ticket with the women's vote.  h**l, probably even Sen. Clinton will vote for McCain now.  They are like sheep!  Ewes, actually.

  2. He chose her in hopes that he would get the women's vote and sway the Hillary fans to vote for him based on his VP, I think he has made a laughing stock of himself by thinking women are stupid enough to fall for that. 1 she is going to loose votes because she wants to make abortions illegal regardless of circumstances, 2 she claims she knows nothing of the war and does not care about the war , so I'm sure that's going to make a lot of troops and their family's unhappy. Now before you jump all over me about abortion I just want everyone to know that I do not support abortions but I do know at times it is a necessary evil.

  3. I think he wanted to shock us and show us that he can give us change, too, which is why alot of people like Obama.

  4. Excuse me, he's not 73 he's 72, duh! Just kidding, but not really. He's got plenty of life in him, anyway. He probably will only go for four years, and Ronald Regan got re-elected for another four at the age of 73 and lived through them all, so what makes you think McCain will die?

  5. Strategically it's a good move to counter Obama.

    1. She's a woman, so that may attract disgruntled Hillary supporters to the Republican side.

    2. She's socially conservative - which will improve John McCain's liberal image.

    3. She's young (and rather cute), and many voters would rather have two very different people rather than two old guys.

  6. Because he loves good looking old women.

  7. Executive experience! What will it take for you people to understand that. She has experience with substance. Not just a voting record.  

  8. All he did there is honestly say how he feels about a woman.He will use any one he has to to win ,but im happy to say he has already lost.

  9. His meds. Tomorrow he will wake up and not remember doing it.  

  10. He is 71

    She has more executive experience than Obama.

    She highlights the fact Obama has a thin resume.

    She is a breath of fresh air from the elite ivy league usuals that keep s******g up this country.

    Sounds like a great choice to me.

  11. I would much rather have a vice president that is viewed as inexperienced than a President that is inexperienced.

    Incidentally, Palin has more executive experience than McCain, Obama, and Biden.

  12. he just wants the oil....his agenda is all about oil. Mccain doesn't care about people....just wars to get some oil and $

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