
Why did she run?why ,why,why........?

by  |  earlier

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why did paula..Radcliffe run,. when she could have let somebody else get a chance of the games,and not make a fool of her self? the talk is she new about her injuries all the hype before the start,then all the excuses ,give it up paula...........




  1. Why would you not run.... if u got the chance of doing that you would not give it up. so what she was hurt, if she thought she could make it, she did the right thing and had a go at it.

  2. 'Cause she read this question in the baseball section.

  3. At least she didn't quit because of an 'injury' again

  4. she needed a poo?

  5. You aren't looking for an answer so it's pointless to ask this question.

  6. What the h**l are you talking about?  What, what, what....?


    are you in the wrong section? :)

  8. I know she's pathetic.

    Mara Yamauch was in the the same race,

    compete-ing for GB too, and came 6th but she's been totally over shadowed by Radcliffe's failure.

    She shouldn't have been allowed to compete after Athens.

    She threw a total strop and dropped out then because

    she was loosing.

    And all the excuses were because she knew she couldnt hack it,

    and she just wanted to look good.

    I couldn't agree more with you.

  9. because she did...?

  10. When you have put a huge amount into running in the Olympic Games which only come around every 4 years you don't give up the opportunity easily. She has earned the right to be there. I bet there aren't many other Brits who would have finished as high up as she did with two fit legs.  I don't think she made a fool of herself but she risked much worse damage to her leg which doesn't seem terribly sensible.

  11. Because she wanted to.

    Hope I answered your question.

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