
Why did she say this to me, based on how I look ... ?

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I've got naturally straight black hair, dark eyes (basically black), and I'm fair skinned. Got fairly prominent cheekbones and jaw line.

I was talking to a girl that I'd just met and she asked me where I was from and I was like ... Australia ... and she was like oh, you look like your from a cold country cos of your dark features on fair skin.

And I was thinking ... is that a stereotype or what? Like, do I look like an Eskimo or something? Should I dye my hair blonde and get a fake tan to look like everyone else? Sometimes I feel abit weird having dramatic colouring. Please help clear this up for me, thanks :)




  1. just be yourself, this girl is just jealous of you looks,.


  2. no who cares be you dont change

  3. You should dye your hair blonde to match your brains.

  4. That's really weird... I'm American and I also have black hair and light skin. I don't know what to tell you about that girl, but there are plenty of people here with dark hair and light skin. You should just be yourself and embrace your unique coloration. I'm pretty sure most people in cold countries have blondish hair and light skin not black hair. Eskimos have dark skin... some people are so weird.

  5. Please relax.  If we all must totally ignore people's features to avoid being labeled as a stereotyping, we wouldn't have much to say to each other...especially when trying to break the ice with a new friend.  By asking if you were from a cold country, she wasn't implying you are an Eskimo.  There are a lot of cold countries like Scandinavia, Russia, Finland, Iceland...all of which have little or no Eskimos.  Besides, aren't you being a stereotype yourself?  If you were offended by being likened to an Eskimo, aren't you saying there is something wrong with being or looking like an Eskimo?  What is wrong with being an Eskimo?  If someone said, "With your dark skin and smooth features, you look Italian to me.", would that be OK with you?

    You sound to me like you have some personal identity issues.  Why in God's world would you want to look like somebody you are not?  You are who you are.  You have the skin you have, you have the hair you have, you have the voice you have, you have the eyes you have.  Those things you can't and shouldn't change.  What you can change is your personality, the way you treat others, your muscle structure (by exercizing), and your hair style.

    It is amazing how this one little, innocent comment made by one person (and I don't know why you needed to tell us she was American, as if her origin makes her comments any more or less valid) has you so wound up that you are ready to change your appearance so that no one ever mistakes you from being from a cold country again.  Please don't.

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