
Why did sine wave travels in wavy manner?why it shouldn't travel in straight line?

by  |  earlier

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please tell the reason for it with much explanation.......




  1. A sine wave tracks the displacement of a point being moved around a circle.  It's "wavy" simply because of what it is.

  2. It's very simple to prove this to yourself. Simply graph the function y = sin(x) in the cartesian system. You will see a wavy pattern.

  3. Normally waves DO travel (propagate) in straight lines. Think about light - a wave - it travels in straight lines unless something gets in the way (it's absorbed), or it is reflected or refracted.

    The sine wave refers not to the propagation of the wave but to its intensity. Think about an ocean wave. The wave propagates towards the shore, but the height of the water (before the wave breaks) is approximately a sine wave which moves up and down.  If you look at the surface of the ocean it is wavy --just like the sine wave - with peaks and troughs. In this case the surface of the water is the medium that the wave travels in.

    Light waves don't propagate in a medium, but what varies as a sine wave are the electric and magnetic fields.

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