
Why did so many former n**i's end up in South America after WW2?

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This has always kind of interested me. I've read a whole lot about World War 2, but nothing that gives a clue to why they went there. Obviously, they couldn't hide in Europe or North America (unless they knew how to build rockets) and Asia was chaotic, but why did the governments of various South American countries not refuse them entry or arrest and turn them over to the Allies when they did enter. Also, was this a plan that the n***s had before the war ended or did they all just realize that South America was the only country that wasn't full of people hunting for them?




  1. There were several extreme right-wing governments in South America, notably Juan Peron's Argentina.  n**i Germany had good relations with those governments before the Second World War and many n***s had connections there.

    As it was nearly impossible for senior n***s to stay in Europe, South America was a good place to flee to at the end of the war.  Several underground systems were established to smuggle n***s into South America, particularly the one run by the notorious Odessa.

    BTW. Not all South American nations were on good terms with n**i Germany.  Brazil declared war on Germany and had sent troops to serve in the Italian campaign.

  2. There has always been close ties between Germany and countries in South America. A lot of Germans moved there

    for religious reasons so there were already colonies of them in the various countries.  When the n***s could see the writing on the wall probably shortly after D Day they started making plans to move to south america. Remember that none of those countries had ever been part of the war and also they had their own dictatorships in power. With the money they had looted from all of Europe the n***s were able to buy their way into the country and pay off the governments to hide them and not cooperate with the Allies. I understand that a lot of the high ranking n***s literally had subs standing by waiting to pick them up along with their friends families and loot and take them to South America.

  3. chicken **** n**i's went to south africa to make amense for being hebrew starving closet qweer butt ******* reaching around while middle fingerfucking thay own a******s racist.Trying not to look like biggits they had to hang out and make freand with the opposite race or differant race in this case blacks which helped achive the name former n**i.this movement to south africa gangly limpdick pail skined germans woman were village toiletts peed in raped on it is belived that this was the dawning of the albino.

  4. Germany had been finally infiltrated by the allies.

    During the war, the Russian's massacred the Germans and anyone affiliated with them that they caught.

    Britain and Russia were the first to walk through those countries that had been invaded by the Germans. They opened up and released those in the death camps such as Auschwitz and restored some peace.

    The n**i's had no choice but to run for the hills! They would be rounded up and almost certainly imprisoned, if not shot on the spot by the allies.

    Many of them fled to South America (a large portion to Brazil) because many ships were leaving to Brazil with cargo at the time and it was easy to get to, and also an INCREDIBLY easy continent to lose yourself in and never be found. At the time it was seen to people as very rich and it was known as a place where one could spend the rest of one's life, living well.

    Additional info:

    South America was home to the famous Auchwitz and Treblinkan doctor, Josef Mengele. Even when he arrived in Brazil, he mutated those children in his home village, eg - changing their eye colour, sewing local children together, etc. These where the opertaions he pracitised in the detah camps upon Romani children and Jews (as he thought they were aliens).  

    Hope this helped!

    -Tim :]

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