
Why did so many musicans from the 70's & 80's use drugs?

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  1. This era was a time changing era. That was the thing to do. Everyone thought they had to prove something. It was all about "Freedom". If only they knew!

  2. in the 60's, LSD was not unlawful and was experimented with a lot by people, but musicians are who you heard about.

    At no time have musicians used drugs more than PEOPLE.

    To this day, PEOPLE use drugs. a percentage are musicians.

    Cobain, anyone?

  3. It was the influence of the 60's, mostly.

    And it wasn't just the musicians, it was a LOT of the general population.

    The 60's counterculture was all about celebrating not playing by the rules of society, religion, culture, or even any real moral code.

    (The viewpoint that the 60's were all about peace and love is a load of c**p - the Vietnam War 'peace protesters' were usually pawns of the American Communist party, and many of them bombed buildings and committed other terrorist acts, not just peaceful protests.)

    This idiotic viewpoint ended up with lots and lots of dead, maimed, diseased, and mentally deficient people.

    You can see lots of these people in mental institutions, prisons, and wandering around as homeless people.

    Breaking the rules does not work!

  4. Artists and musicians have always used drugs...infact..

    people have been getting " intoxicated" since the start of time...

  5. back then it was kind of new and they didn't know the long term side effects.

    Plus, when you're famous, you think nothing bad can happen to you because everyone caters to your every need.

  6. Because they didn't want to be like certain rappers and shoot up everything.

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