
Why did so many people respond negatively to the possibility of ******* blood in ancient Egyptian king's?

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Isn't Egypt in Africa. Who's original name is Kemet and aren't most of the facial features on the great statues and sphinx's black features. Anyone can see they are negroid features. If there really isn't a conspiracy about ancient dna and world views . Why did Hitler remove the sphinx original nose, and why are most of the noses removed ,and massive amounts of writings and pictures perposley removed from walls and burial chambers. And why is Jesus painted as a white male with blue eyes and blonde hair. What do you think the Davince code was really about. Doesn't the story go Mary fleed to France with a sun burnt child .




  1. As usual Terracine is the only one who makes much sense. The truth is that Egyptians were much closer to modern north Africans then as they are now. The Nubians to the south were 'negroid' as was said above and just wishing that it was otherwise doesn't change the truth! That is all!

    EDIT: See Willing Thinker's comment  below for a good explanation of the term 'negroid'

  2. Don't know. Probably racial prejudices towards african americans. Alot of times when no one even mentions A.A.'s we get brought up. Don't know why, we came from the west side of africa. Ironically, genetically, we are related to the Ancient Egyptians (through our african blood)

    Or had you assumed to be related. That's a reason, although Europeans, and even Asians have. So I guess prejudic.

    Ps.- about the term negroid.

    Negroid is a term used in OUT-DATED-ANTHROPOLOGY that often attempts to denote race. Negroid and Caucasoid and Mongoloid and Hamitic are all poorly thought out made - up terms.

    Facial features change from climate to climate. Skin and genes do not:

    (Skin changes from UV rays, and it has only happened on major scales twice, none in africa. The indigenous people in egypt were african (dark reddish-brown). The peoples and culture that started A.E. came from the Sahara before it dried up.)

    When people move in more humid climates, nostrils tend to widen. Modern west-africans, ancient europeans, and middle easterners in general have/had this trait (Negroid). East africans have narrower faces, so called Cacausoid or Hamitic traits, akin to eropeans although they're genetically more related to west africans. Ham originally came from a biblical term meaning black. Mongoloid doesn't even originate with Mongolians ( mongol, mixed, mut). And further doesn't make any sense, as Europeans are more mixed than they (light skin is a genetic adaptation due to diet and sunlight). WHO ISN'T MIXED? Some west-africans have narrow noses (fulani) have little if any mixture (mixture can be closely, but not indefinitely determined due to race NOT EXISTING).

    So hopefully, now you see how silly this is. Oh, and for any hair questions click here:

  3. because- they were seperated from the bantu tribes (which other people know as dark skined people) by the massive sahara, and the mountains that surrounded the nile- located on the fertile cresent- descendants may have come from mesopotamia

  4. Because peoples identity is, in part, defined by the groups they belong to and people like to belong to a privileged group, the one that's on top.

    And they like to be able to draw a line and say that "this group is this and that group is that" so that they are more certain of the group identity and hence their own.

    Let's face it, the Negroid races have been oppressed and dumped on for at least the last handful of centuries and so now constitute a group that those who like to think of them selves as "on top" can point to and say to themselves "we are better than them."

    You start blurring the distinction between one group and another and people can get upset because you are challenging their identity, or at least what they want their identity to be.

    All these lines and identities do not speak to the fact that we all have common ancestors and the races have been interbreeding for hundreds of thousands of years. To think there is no Negroid blood in Ancient Egyptian Kings has to ignore this. To think that Ancient Egyptian Kings were Negroid probably also ignores this.

    We are all brothers and sisters, the skin has nothing to do with it. The only thing that divides us is a belief that something does.

  5. I don't think "so many" people react negatively, maybe just loud ones like born agains, etc.  the whole idea of religion is a huge fake sale job and don't you think it would have been hard to sell the idea in Europe if the Christ was depicted as any other than white.  That concept of religion is to control mankind and manipulate people for weath and power, it has nothing to do with truth or God.  If you want to accept Christianity you have to accept that Christ was an Arab.  But it sells differently and better doesn't it if you make it easier to give God a race and a face.

  6. Because wanting something to be so, doesn't make it so. You can't change history just because you feel oppressed now.

  7. June is a lower life form!  You can't believe a word IT says.

  8. Have no idea other than misplaced prejudice. If people would look at King Solomons love, it was Sheba, called the most beautiful woman in the world. She was African, and he was supposed to be wisest person in the world at the time.

  9. i didn't even realise anyone doubted it.

  10. There is likely" negroid " blood in all of us, but that was not what you were positing with you last post. You suggested that Egyptians were of a sub-Saharan stock or Kushites, or some such thing. Then you go on some rant about Hitler that has not a kernel of truth and end up with a piece of literary fiction. Are you just delusional, or are you 10 years old? I do not know who is filling your head with all this nonsense, but you need to get to the truth and get away from this person.

  11. Hitler didn't remove the nose of the Sphinx.  The armies of Napoleon did.

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