
Why did some of the people that did 9/11 seem to get awarded or promoted into higher positions of power?

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And these people were never held accountable

Condi Rice — National Security Adviser on 9-11; promoted to Secretary of State

Paul Wolfowitz, former Deputy Secretary of Defense - got promoted to head of the World Bank

George Tenet, former CIA Director - awarded Medal of Freedom” by Bush for his fine work on 9-11

Michael Chertoff, Former Attorney General, freed Israelis linked to 9/11 that were arrested in New Jersey, promoted to Director of Homeland Security




  1. i dont noee

  2. Bush always gives his friends/executive members a position. He always has been loyal, even when the loyalty is undeserved.  Most politicians reward their backers and friends in some way.  But everyone got caught up in the moment with 9/11 so nothing is questioned when it comes to this time of our lives.  We would look like we had no empathy for the situation.  

    But this doesn't happen just in politics.  My friend was sexually exploited in the workplace, she complained, had to quit work because of the gossip, and HER BOSS, the abuser, got a big promotion, not a reprimand.  I, years ago, went to personnel office because of sexual abuse in the workplace, was escorted out ten minutes later, and the BOSS, again, the perpetrator, got a raise and kept his job. He was a drunk and months later, wrapped himself around a tree and died.  

    We, the silent majority, need to complain more, but sadly, few listen.  And there are sometimes consequences.  Luckily, we live in USA, so we aren't killed for speaking against Washington, but it still doesn't win you too many friends.  

    None of the people you mentioned will go down in history as being great for the people or for the nation. It is simple the good old boys protecting and taking care of the good old boys. Nothing more and nothing less.  Sad, isn't it!  And they wonder why we are disenchanted with politics.

  3. You missed George Bush. Got re-elected as President.

  4. You are one of the sick conspiracy theorists who thinks you have secret knowledge that makes you smarter than everyone. You are hopeless!!

  5. i may have seen the wrong videos..., but if i remeber right i think everyone that 'did' 9/11 ended up dying in the process.  hence the term 'suicide hijackers.'  just like the big air planes with tons of fuel, probably caused the big buildings to fall and make a lot of noise as they lost structural integerty (ie steel i-beams that weighs 2 tons per foot falling- due to the impact of the big planes i referred to earlier- from great heights.  search for the meaning of 'kinetic energy' or 'potential energy' and 'the weight of high density steel')  and the pentagon, a building built for war and therefore fairly structurally strong (built with heavially reinforced concrete and kevlar-the stuff they use in bullet proof vests), showed much less damage then say a skyscraper that is built for height and office space.  

    if you want everyone else to keep an open mind, as im sure you say quite often trying to convince people of what you are implying, then maybe you should do the same.

  6. they lived through the most sad day of the millenium (so far) and it should be recognized!

  7. You are so right.  This is what a Bush presidency does.  Michael Chertoff should be put in Jail for his action (or inactions).  Condi Rice appears intelligent but is overmatched for the job.

  8. Coward. Stand and face the enemy. Don't cower behind conspiracy theories in order to not have to face and fight the enemy. disgusting.

  9. little did you know some knew that 911 was going to happen top ppl like bush,fbi,cia all the news is a liers its just that we are the last to know.

  10. The Bush administration may have been responsible for 9/11, or at the very least they expected something and purposely did nothing to stop it.  We know there has been a cover-up for the past 6 years, and why would this be necessary if they did nothing wrong?

    We do need to conduct a legitimate investigation so we can get to the bottom of this and punish the treasonous criminals, including Bush and Cheney.

    The part I have a problem with is that you are trying to imply this was somehow a Jewish/Israeli/Zionist plot.  Some of those who may be involved are Jewish, but many more are Christians.  I don't think the religion of those involved is that important, except for the hijackers who were religious Islamic fundamentalists.  There is nothing wrong with being a Zionist - that is someone who supports the state of Israel - most Jews, including me, would consider themselves Zionists.  I don't know if I can believe that all of those people are dual citizens of Israel.  I do know that any Jew has the right to go to Israel and become a citizen, so perhaps that is what is really meant.  In any case, there is nothing wrong with having dual citizenship, especially since Israel is our friend and not our enemy.

    Anyway, the rewards and promotions make perfect sense.  Bush rewards people who are loyal to him in carrying out his evil reign of terror, regardless of the level of their incompetence.  The people he punishes are those who refuse to lie and do his evil bidding - unfortunately there have been too few of these people.

    You would make a much better case for you position by not blaming things on Israel or the Jews.

  11. When you go back to school on Monday, please open your books and read them.

    Pay attention in class.

    Do not skip school anymore.  It is making you sound like a moron.

    Good luck with your future, little boy.

  12. I guess some of these people  had connections and thought that they shouldn't be punished for the wrong they did so they kind of used there connections to get them off the hook

  13. I agree with Troybuddy, the people who are so utterly intent on their 9-11 conspiracy theories are just that, cowards, who refuse to acknowledge and face the true enemy because it's a lot easier to blame someone who isn't likely to come back at you about it.

  14. Chertoff was never Attorney General.

    They got their positions because the President appointed them and the Senate confirmed them.

    Tenet got his medal because the President said "here's your medal."

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