
Why did some republicans boo Palin when she praised Hillary at an event today? Didn't they get the memo...?

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that she's supposed to attract hillary's supporters? Do they think booing Hillary is going to help?




  1. LOL that was funny...the switched it around once they knew what she was trying to do....

  2. Well, she is a consensus builder that has not been on the national circuit long enough to be trained that Republican are supposed to attack all Democrats and all Democrats are supposed to attack Republicans. Her Alaska Gubernatorial Administration has both Republicans and Democrats in it. McCain, Obama and Biden are Senators with no administrative experience, while she has been a Governor for two years, shown by her ability to work with both parties to get things passed.  

  3. I like you . You should write a are to good for this site.

  4. This is just another smear tactic by an Obama fan.  No one booed Palin today.  She is not supposed to attract Hillary supporters, but she will, because at last we have a female candidate with a perfect track record.  We finally have one of our own to believe in.  Try reading some facts about her, rather than blog sites.  Please take the time to really learn about this ordinary person, who has done extraordinary things.  She does the walk, not the talk.

    Obama has accused John McCain of selecting a candidate with zero experience to be his running mate, because she is a woman. It appears Obama does not want women to succeed.

    The best things come in small packages. However, as a whole the state of Alaska, of which she is Governor has "a land mass larger than Texas, California and Montana combined. Alaska is a large state, 1/5 the size of all the other states together, reaching so far to the west that the International Date Line had to be bent to keep the state all in the same day. It's also the only U.S. state extending into the Eastern Hemisphere." So, my friend, whileObama apparently considers the city that she was mayor of small, Alaska is a large state.

    While Barack Obama has been working in his Senate office 143 days since he first took office in November of 2004, he has spent all of the other days running for president. That is Obama's experience. Yet, he has the audacity to accuse John McCain of selecting an inexperienced Vice President, Sarah Palin. As a woman, I am inflamed, especially since she has more executive experience, having managed a city and a state, than Obama, Biden and McCain all put together. Sarah Palin has 13 years of public service with an approval rating of 80 percent, not 9 percent like our Democratic Congress. She is the most popular Governor in the USA. Now, if you are among the 9 percent of Americans that think our Democratic Congress has done a great job, then Obama is the candidate for you. Trust me, you will definitely get more of the same. Palin started as President of the PTA. She went from that to Mayor of her city to Governor of her state.She put a stop to the bridge to nowhere that would have cost the United State's taxpayers $400 million dollars, saying if Alaska needed a bridge they would pay for it. One of the first things she did, after she took office as Alaska's Governor was to fire the chef, saying she could prepare the food for her family and then she put the Governor of Alaska's jet on ebay and sold it, putting the money obtained from its sale back into Alaska's piggy bank. Alaska is a state that matters to every American. It has the energy resources and she is the leader that supports drilling. Governor Palin has a real record, a record of incredible accomplishments, while Barack Obama has not managed to accomplish one thing while in office. Palin fought her own party to stop a corrupt system, while Barack stands back and never challenges the Chicago Machine. John McCain is a real man, who was not afraid to look past gender and select the best candidate for his Vice President. Together, they are the change that we can believe in... Together, they will shake up Washington and fix what is broken. Just so you know, they are both mavericks. Palin has spent her time in office shaking up her government. She challenged a corrupt system and passed a landmark ethics reform bill That is only one of the many reasons why John McCain picked her as his teammate. McCain picked Palin because she has it all.

  5. It's just an automated reflex from doing that for so many years. it's hard to break habit

    babies, guns, jesus...


  6. True colors were showing

  7. Anyone that thinks she was picked by McCain to bring in Clinton voters is daft...Clinton voters that would not have voted for McCain before Palin still would not vote for McCain. The white male voter is the toughest group for Obama to get and Palin is reeling them in by the droves because men are more conservative that women. She has also ignited a flame with the Evangelicals and many many Independents. She is a tough, smart lady that you would be smart to back instead of Obama, that's almost laughable.

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