
Why did steve nash decline being on the canadian national basketball team for the qualifiers?

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  1. cuz it would be a waste of time since there not good at basketball anyways, his the only good Canadian bballer

  2. Because he knows that he couldn't carry the team with their limited talent. Unlike in Phoenix where he has Amare, Marion, etc. Who does he have in Canada? Samuel Dalembert? That won't do it. It's like he'll tarnish his credibility in the NBA. =)

  3. The German tandem of Dirk and Kaman is like the Canadian tandem of Nash and Dalembert. Only 2 are reliable. The rest are like what Devean George or Jerry Stackhouse is to the Mavs.

  4. B/c he didn't wanna get injured. a lot of nba teams discourage their players from entering the olympics and playing for their national teams b/c of the risk of injury. that is why lithuania isn't as stacked as it should be

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