
Why did sure Jell work for me the first 6 times I took it for my u/a's but now it's not working anymore?

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My boyfriend and I have been using sure jell to pass pee tests at our methadone clinic for months now. He passes every time but now I still have a small amount of thc in mine-last time it was 88 but the one time I did not use Sure Jell it was 984. We smoke everyday about 8-10 j's a day-which is a lot for some people I know.It worked fine in the beginning even with that heavy of use and we always smoke the night b4 and usually one that morning-when we first wake up.The tests are unannounced so we never know when- I have one this morning and I've not smoked anything and i'm doubling the sure jell-2 box's and 2 gallons water-You have 2 drink a gallon of water with each box. Sure Jell does work on everyone else I know though but it only removes THC. It will not clean out pill's. Our methadone levels are still fine it just clears the weed out for a few hour's. I also got one of those certa packs of liquid fruit pectin i'll take with another glass of water.Any ideas guys?




  1. There's no way to know why it's not working.

    If you're in a situation where you can be randomly tested for drug, have you ever considered that it might be a good idea to quit?

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