
Why did syncrude allow the 400+ birds to die in their 'dirty ponds" ?

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Thanks turingschild you insight are so wonderful. Jackazz. Here's some instructions for the obtuse: Type in "syncrude" and "Birds die" into a search page and read what comes up. Wow, some people!




  1. Um, there really was a huge dump of snow that would have made it very difficult if not impossible to get the canons out prior to migration.

  2. Because they couldn't find enough envirowackos to do the manual labor. Seems they were too busy complaining about all the dying birds.

    If you're not going to give details, I guess we'll just have to make more assumptions.

  3. Syncrude usually has canons on their tailings pond but because of the weather, they couldn't get the canon's out early enough to scare the birds away. The birds died becaues their feathers became weighed down with oil so they couldn't fly and they drowned. I believe they saved only 5 out of the over 500 birds that were in the pond. I believe they are going to be facing a fine of up to a million dollars. There have been many press releases from Syncrude apologizing for their actions (or lack of aciton).

  4. Before whining about 400 birds that died, how about shedding at tear for the 30,000+ birds that are killed every year by wind turbines?

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