
Why did that just happen ??? am i going to die ... PLEASE READ AND ANSWER?

by  |  earlier

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removing nail polish from my nails and now i can't stop coughing

the more i cough the more i want to ... it never happened before

how can i make it stop ?




  1. sweetie, go outside, and breathe. drink some water. if it doesnt get better go to the hospital. but i doubt youl die if u were just removing the nailpolish. if u deliberately were inhaling it, that was just silly.

    like i sed, go outside, u just need fresh air..

    you're not going to die.. its ok

  2. maybe you were too close to the fumes, go outside and take deap breathes of fresh air, you'll be ok, dont panic.

  3. You probably are allergic to the nail polish remover. As someone suggested, go outside, breath in fresh air. If you have or can buy any anti allegic cough syrup take two spoons. It should settle the cough and allergy.

  4. You can't be that bad if you are on the computer. Go outside and get some air.

  5. could be the fumes from your nail polish remover. Get some fresh air or open a window, take some slow deep breaths and have sips of water.

  6. lol, you're not going to die. You probably just caught it on your chest and it's making you feel sick. don't worry,  

  7. take a deep breath, get a pen and a piece of paper, begin writing you last will and testament... you're a goner!

  8. Wash up with soap and water. Tie the used cottn pads in a bag very tight as to make sure the fums don't come out. tighten the lid very tight.   ASAP take an antihistamien tablet,  if you have one around. or go to your local drug stroe (they are over the counter)  

  9. You are going to die from a nail polish what a silly question is that  

  10. You may be allergic to the nail polish or it is just a huge coincidence. Maybe your nose didn't like the smell but there is 1 out of a 1,000,000,000 chance that it will kill you hun. :-)

  11. get out side qwick if u inhaled it  u could be suffering a drug problem  just breath freash air

  12. drink something!  

  13. drink some water, or something strong like whiskey lol, if ur too young, jsut stick with some water or eat something that u think is disgusting..XD

  14. Go to the hospital now! There were probably harmful toxins in your nail polish. Go and see a doctor before something bad happens.

  15. firstly u should go to sophisticated doctor and u follow his or her instructions. the best treatment a doctor can only give.

  16. go to doctor and see what he said

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