
Why did the Annukai leave earth?

by Guest31638  |  earlier

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In ancient Sumerian times there was a group of gods called the Annukai (i think i spelt that right), but they apparently were aliens from the planet Nibiru and they taught us everything that we as humans know today. They are a race or reptilian aliens that tried to take over this planet. Apparently, they created us, or so they say. They also have something to do with the 12 in 1 theory that has to do with the reason why some people can do ESP and stuff. I think that was an experiment that they did on us, but there is proof that they were here. Think about it. What is the likely-hood that the Mayans, Egyptians, Sumerians, the people of the Dogon tribe, and other people aroung the world would have the same story and that it would just be a lie??? Not likely at all.

These Aliens are also called Nephilim and there is a man that wrote an extensive book about them called Enoch.




  1. There is a problem with your original premise, in that, if in ancient times these beings taught us everything we know today, why did we wait until the last hundred years or so to really start using things such as electricity and sanitation.\

    Edit: To which I replied something like "a dozen of those ancient 'batteries' connected in a series give a yield of about four volts.  Why would they do all that if, with our modern knowledge, they could make our comparatively small nine volt batteries.

    Edit: I just realized why you are talking about plumbing and toilets.  You are confused about sanitation.  I am refering to antiseptics, Joseph Lister, washing your hands after you make your business, etc.

  2. Also about why did it take so long for us to create such things as...  It was said they gave us what were know today.  Might be better said that they gave us some amount of knowledge to build on and that is why we invent more and more complex devices as we build on the first bits of knowledge we had.

  3. You seem to be trying to use circumstantial evidence and personal accounts to justify a position that you've already decided on. You want validation and confirmation, and that's at least commendable. However, there are ideas about technology coming from other worlds, and basically this means that human beings are not the creative, intelligent people that we know ourselves to be.

    Human progress would require a significant amount of injection to get us to the starfaring level at this moment, and any injections of technology might help us to advance quickly, but in the end it would mean not fully understanding the principles behind how a thing works, and this would ultimately prevent our progress beyond what we've stolen, until our understanding catches up.

    It is well-established historical fact that the Mayans were visited by the Egyptians well before Christ. It is also a good bet that the stories of all of these cultures were retold from one area to the next. In Babylon and Sumeria, there were in fact many similar stories, and their proximity to one another doesn't make the idea of their having the same stories that far-fetched.

    In short, the likelihood is high. The fact is unknown, because it's not recorded. And we have access to these stories, and to stories from other lands, so why would we not be able to adopt them for our own purposes? I should point out that the story of Utnapishtim from Babylon is remarkably similar to the Noah story from the Bible, and predates Moses by at least 1,500 years. The fact that there's no evidence to support a flood that covered the whole world casts doubt on the claims made by both... but if it was to be the Black Sea, and we make some other assumptions about the Great Flood, then it makes other ideas fall into place. It's a convenient theory to fit facts, however, as we have no actual, solid proof.

    The Dogon people have themselves indicated that they learned their astronomical information from a 20th-Century French scientist, and not from any other source. Many people cite Griaule's work as the source for the claim that these people know about things in the sky that need a strong telescope to be seen (especially when talking about Sirius B), but with van-Beek's reassessment and the admission by the elders that Griaule was the source for this information, it's enough to cast doubt on the idea that they have an extraterrestrial source for their information. Marcel Griaule's catalog of their religious ideas could very well have had influence by him.

    The likelihood of anything being passed among cultures is high, even in the ancient world. People love a good story with strong principles. You seem to act as though nobody was in the Americas before Columbus, but we know for certain that this simply was not and could not be true.

    I won't discount your correlations, but if there's a reason for something that's a "normal" reason, use that one before jumping to a paranormal conclusion, unless there is a solid reason to believe otherwise.

  4. It is just a story. Nothing more nothing less, just a story. There never has been any such thing nor is there now nor will there ever be. It is all fiction

  5. research: zacharia sitchen, the Giza Intelligence, Anunaki

    As for my answer: Why did they leave? The same reason why the chicken crossed the road. Because they could.

    There are lots of great video commentaries about these subjects on Youtube. I recommend it.

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