
Why did the Arabs USURP both the Jewish religion and the Jewish homeland--why couldn't they find their own?

by Guest32044  |  earlier

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If Mintee would but look, he'd see that all the Arabs are in Trenton, N.J. and New Wark right next to New York--it seems they're taking/ have taken over! Get up and smell the coffee!




  1. Unlike what the others said Palestinians are not philistines and are of 100% Arab decent. Philistines didn't even occupy the whole of what is now Israel.

    The truth is there have been jews living in Israel non-stop for about 4000 years.

  2. this land was  ,is, and will always be be ours wait and for the religion you think your religion is the right one ? OK it's between you and your god just wait and see

  3. How does one define who is the rightful owner of land?

    Morally? Then 98% of Americans should leave the USA and let the first nations take it back

    Force? That's often how it's been done, most frequently by the 'civilised' nations of Europe

    Assimilation? That's been the commonest method in the UK

    All lands around the world have been owned/occupied by multiple different ethnic or cultural groups strecthing back further than historical records... why should this little patch of land in the Middle East be any different?

    Philistines, Israelites, Canaanites, Ottomans, French, English, Hottentots, Romans, why just pick on Arabs?

    As for Arabs "usurping" the Jewish religion (actually I'm not sure you can "usurp" a religion but nevermind...) - I have no idea what you mean by that - Judaism and Islam are quite distinct

  4. Actually, the reverse is true, even if you read the Bible story, the Jews invaded and took the land.  And where did you get the notion that the Muslim faiths have much of anything to do with the Jewish religion?

  5. God found Islam

    "Israel" is not a Jewish land. It only became Jewish land after the occupation of the Palestinian land. I don't deny that it was Jewish land 2000 years ago but then it stopped being jewish land since the Jews left it and they became only a minority in it. They lost their power and everything. Only 60 years ago (or lets say 120 years ago --poor them), they remembered that they once had a holy land and so they went and kicked the people who already lived on it for more than thousand years out, occupied their homes, and started torturing them

  6. We just can't get enough of you that's why

  7. The Palestinian Arabs deserve their own state, just like the Israeli Jews do. However, some Muslim Arabs can only be satisfied with the utter destruction of Israel.

  8. Trolling for an argument?  The hebrews took (oops, "were given") the land themselves (according to the bible-torah), so that argument doesn't wash.  In fact, pretty much everyone took the land they are in from someone else at some point.

    I think a less offensive way of looking at the religion question is to say that each evolved from earlier religions, taking their own special route to arrive where they are.  Another reason to conclude that religion is not very accurate at portraying reality, just another man-made solution to life's many questions.

    The fact that they argue and kill over the issue is one of the saddest (or perhaps discouraging, or even disgusting)aspects of humanity in my view.

  9. The Jews reclaimed Israel after WW2 under the leadership of Ariel SHaron and the help of Winston CHurchill. England had control of Israel during the time they handed it over to the Jewish people that sought refusge there after the Holocaust.

    According to the the Jewish bible, which is kept record of land boundaries for centuries before CHrist, Israel was the land gifted to them by God through Moses.  THe Palestinian inhabitants at the time of the mid 19th century were forcibly removed  from Israel due to their inability to peacefully live within the new, democratic state.  Under financing by rebel Arab groups, they continue to commit terrorist attacks on Israel, largely using human bombs in unarmed, civilian marketplaces

  10. yeah.. seems all the US  love anything jewish these days.. Why dont they just build a community in NewJersey or NewYork.. They will be welcomed with open arms... Why would you stick it out somewhere where you're not wanted.. Go to N.York.. they love you there...

  11. Palestine IS the Arab homeland - Israel has only existed since 1948 and since then the Israelis have invaded and taken over most of the Palestinian territory. By the same token as your question, why couldn't the Jews find their own territory?

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