
Why did the Armenians support the Young Turks when they overthrew the sultan in 1908?

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Why did the Armenians support the Young Turks when they overthrew the sultan in 1908?




  1. The young Turks were nothing more then extreme Muslim killers.

    They tried to appease the Armenians who demanded rights and demanded to be treated equally as the Muslims,that is just until they could figure out a plan to eliminate the Armenians.

    When I read this question I am only reminded of the treacherous criminals the young Turks were and how the Armenians were deceived and betrayed by them just before they were massacred.

  2. Because they thought that the Young Turks would go easier on them than the sultan did.

    Little known fact: Armenians hate genocide as much as the Jews.

  3. I'm not quite sure we were "supporting" the Young Turks..I'll have to do more research...but heres what I found in the meantime...

  4. same questions, same answers. did you see  Turks in

    Armenia.... becaue if Turks they go there Armenians kill them... you know this trues. Armenians, Jewishs, all people   live free in Turks.

    with fake yahoo accounts, ask same lie questions nonstop,

    with fake yahoo accounts, answer same lie answer nonstop.

    ask by oneself and answer your fake account.

  5. The different Armenian groups and parties, who were tired of the violent poltics and massacres of Sultan Abdul Hamid, ran to help Turkish revolutionist groups called Young Turks. The Young Turks had instituted a committee called Committee of Union and Progress ((Ittihad ve Tarakki Cemiyet)) and in this way, they  fought  against  Sultan  Abdul  Hamid.


    At last, in the year 1908, by performing a coup d'etat the Young Turks forced the Sultan to accept the institution of the national Parliament and thus they assumed the head of affairs. At that time, Turk and Armenian, Christian and Muslim, attempted hand in hand to use this opportunity which had been found after 30 years of the rule of Sultan Abdul Hamid, to create an equitable state in which there were no racial distinctions.

    The next year, 1909, Sultan countered with an anti-revolution and succeeded for some while, but not much later, Young Turks assumed power again and this time Sultan Abdul Hamid was deposed forever.

    When Armenians thought all their misfortunes and the periods of fear and fright, were finished by the deposing Sultan Abdul Hamid, but suddenly once again, in the same year, 1909, the face of violence and crime appeared to Armenians. This time the city of massacre was Adana (Cilicia); about 30,000 of Armenians of that city were slaughtered. It seemed that racial and religious fanaticism of Turks against Armenians had no end. The manner in which the massacres were carried out was eerily reminiscent of that of previous massacres ... Shooting, burning, raping Armenian women, the regular Turkish army cooperating with the felons and plunderers. Then at the end, as before, no one was tried and punished for their heinous crimes .

    If you have more Qs about Armenian Genocide this site is the best.

  6. Nice question.

    Very brief:

    Reforms such as equal rights for all nationalities and religions was promised in Ottoman empire many years before sultan Abdolhamid II (known as red sultan - for his cruelties). The sultan was a real dictator and he massacred about 300,000 Armenians in 1894-1896. This resulted to liberation movements among Armenians. Later, Young Turks came up with the idea of reforms in public, so they gained the Armenian support. In 1908 Young Turks took the power, and you know what was their answer to their Armenian supporters?

    It was the Armenians massacre in Adana city (1909) with around 30,000 dead...

    It was the starting point of that horrible Armenian Genocide (1915-1923).

    They soon started their "pan-Turkism" policy and with the WW1 begun and Armenians joining Russian forces, they did their organized dirty plan : Extermination of Armenians of Ottoman empire.

  7. The Young Turks were a lot cuter than the Sultan.


  8. Minorities in Ottoman Empire were never discriminated.

    The only thing they are interested in is compensation, and this is the reason why they try to change the date of so-called genocide, according to them it was between 1915-1917, but now they say it was 1915-1923.

    Why do they try to change the date of the so-called genocide, even the territory was under the occupation of the Entente Powers. So if there was a genocide, how the Entente Powers allowed it to be taken place? The answer is very clear there was no genocide, but they try to make a relation between the so-called genocide and the founders of the Republic of Turkey so that they can claim compensation from Turkey as according to international laws they cannot demand anything from Turkey as European Parliament stated that clearly

    " Believes that the tragic events in 1915-1917 involving the Armenians living in the territory of the Ottoman Empire constitute genocide within the meaning of the convention on the prevention and the punishment of the crime of genocide adopted by the UN General Assembly on 9 December 1948; Recognizes, however, that the present Turkey cannot be held responsible for the tragedy experienced by the Armenians of the Ottoman Empire and stresses that neither political nor legal or material claims against present-day Turkey can be derived from the recognition of this historical event as an act of genocide " ( 18 July, 1987)

    Armenians like to do anything in favor of their own aim ( that could be the answer of your question ), not only the date of so-called genocide, but change the number of deaths they have been claiming :

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