
Why did the British change Indian Culture so that women stopped going topless?

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I mean the Indian women of Asia, India has a 3000 year old civilization




  1. re:first answer: I think the question is referring to the North American Indians, so named because they were 'una gende in dios' or 'a people of god', not the East Indians (who at the time of Columbus' voyage lived in a country called Hindustan.)

    Because their religion gave them the equivalent of post-traumatic stress disorder regarding ideas of sexuality. For them, any overt symbol of the sexual differences would conjure up thoughts of sin and debauchery, and images of searing hellfire. Any thoughts in this direction were 'the devil' trying to lead them astray. So, to avoid the temptation, they try to cover up, hide, and deny anything that might get them thinking along this path.

    This is also why abortion is such a huge issue right now.

    I sincerely believe the anti-abortionists could eliminate the need for abortions if they stopped clinging to their wrong ideas about morality and s*x and contraceptives, and focused all their self-righteous indignation into education about safe s*x and contraception, and in creating a social establishment to adopt and properly care for children the parents are not able to be responsible for.

    Youths will have s*x. Period. Trying to emotionally scar them with ideas about h**l and torture and suffering will only contribute to the probability of them being maladjusted and antisocial as adults, and demolish their self esteem, by making them feel sinful for something that is natural and common to every single person.


    While Indian is much less offensive, Native American is very inconsiderate. Imagine if a bunch of people with a vastly different culture moved into your house, took your wife and children, told you you are a savage, and living in sin, infect many of your relatives with deadly disease... and then named you after them.

    They are not Americans, native or otherwise. They are what their tribe, or nation, called themselves before they got f***ked over by europeans.

  2. The British thought Indians were too sexualized and lacked morals. So, they wanted Indians to be victorian like them.

    As you can see today, Indians have still held on to British victorian values and it will take a LONG time to get rid of them.

    Heck, most Indians don't even know that their traditional Indian values come from the British and Islamic invaders.

    I think the OP is talking about Indians from India...not the Native Americans.

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