
Why did the Concordes always crash?

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Was it fault of design or did they just go too fast?




  1. Only one Concorde crashed.  It crashed because a piece of a tire from another plane was on the runway and got sucked into an engine.  The plane is still safe, but there are alternative flights that were less expensive to operate.  So AirFrance decided to go with those newer planes.

  2. I only recall one Concorde crashing and that was because part of another plane (not a Concorde) was left on the runway and was sucked into the Concorde's engine.  

    The Concorde is actually fairly slow, as compared to other supersonic planes.  Many military planes go several times faster.  The speed of the Concorde is closer to zero than to the speed of a fighter jet.

  3. I think the last crash sealed it's fate.  As I recall, one of it's tires threw something on the runway into the aircraft.  I think that most jets have a thin skin that's easily punctured.

  4. There was only one crash, caused by a part falling off another plane. The reason they were grounded is because they were not making money. They are probably making more money now as museum exhibits.

  5. The crash of the Concorde had nothing to do with why they stopped making it. In total, only 20 Concordes were built between 1966 and 1979. The last being built 21 years before the Paris crash.

    Politics, as much as anything. The green lobby never liked Concorde because of the sound pollution, and the Rolls-Royce Olympus engines that powered it weren't particularly clean-burning, either. Its safety record was hard to beat, though - one crash in 27 years of commercial service.....

  6. Only one concorde ever crashed and that was not due to any faults with the plane.

    Actually most planes only crash once hahahaha (sorry).

  7. There was only one crash, debris from another plane punctured the fuel tank on a take off run. The Concorde had nearly flawless safety record.

  8. If they "always" crashed, then no one would have flown them.  Not even the pilots.  Where did you get the impression that they always crashed?

  9. Only one Concorde ever crashed and that was because of something on the runway.

  10. why do you think they always crashed<

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