
Why did the Egyptians invent the sundial and water clock ?

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Why did the Egyptians invent the sundial and water clock ?




  1. of course it was invented for agriculture purposes for them to predict appropriate time for planting harvesting rising of nile river etc. they also used it in their astrology.

  2. Ancient Egyptian Water Clock

    The inventor of the water clock was Ctesibius. He was a Greek inventor that lived in Alexandria, Egypt. Ctesibius just did not invent, it he also improved it by adding a float with a rack that turned a toothed wheel. He made the water clock make sounds like a whistling bird, bells, puppets, and other gadgets. Ctesibius lived and invented the water clock in the third century.

    The water clock was invented in Ancient Egypt.

    The water clock was used to tell time and to measure speeches in the courtroom. They needed a easier way of keeping track of how long the people in the court room spoke.


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