
Why did the FBI attack The Davidians at Waco??

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I was only 12 at the time so I never heard that much about it. What was the premise for the FBI attacking at Waco?? What started it???




  1. The stockpiling of weapons was the ATF & FBI's main reason for harassing the Branch Davidians.  To my knowledge, however, the weapons they had were legal weapons, and the Fibbies & ATF had no real reason to mess with those people.  Unfortunately, many sectors of the government get nervous when citizens arm themselves and group together in large numbers, as this sect had done.  They (the Davidians) chose not to be subjected to questionable searches and also chose not to leave their own property when asked to do so by the FBI & ATF, which was totally within their rights.  The ATF decided to push the issue, because by that point, the situation was garnering media attention, and they also didn't want to admit to the fact that they didn't really have anything on these people.  It's very hard for government officials to admit when they have screwed up.  (And they had definitely screwed up on this one.)  Their pride caused the lives of all those people. The person who said that ignorance in sect leadership was the cause of their deaths is just swallowing  the lies spread by the powers that be.  They (the Davidians) weren't doing anything illegal.  Having strict or odd religious beliefs isn't against any law.  Neither is buying up legal quantities of legal firearms.  What is illegal is forcing people to choose between being burned alive and exercising their constitutional freedoms.

    There is a lot of further, in-depth information available about this fiasco if you look beyond the standard media outlets.  Dig around -- you will be surprised at the ugly truths of this sad story.

  2. It's all here:

  3. Janet Reno was feeling butch that week.

  4. If I remember it right,I think that someone reported that they were stockpiling weapns so that's why the FBI stepped in.They were asked to allow the FBI to search but were refused so that started the stand-off.The FBI was using tear gas & almost any means to make the Davidians give up but it started a fire.Despite that,they STILL didn't leave & that caused the deaths.WHY it occurred is due to ignorance on the part the sect's followers.The FBI gave David Koresh,the leader, plenty of time to allow everyone to leave & end the stand off but he refused.

  5. It wasn't for being model citizens. I don't know if I would use the word attack. Maybe brought to justice. Attack usually means someone is trying to throw the race card (or some other lame excuse) on the justice system, because they have no other explanation for their own actions.

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