
Why did the GOP tell so many whoppers during their convention?

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Sarah Palin lied about her pork barrel projects in Alaska, she lied about Obama's legislative accomplishments, lied about his tax plan

lied about the amount of energy controlled by Iran.

lied about Obama's energy plan (calling it "nothing at all"), about her support for renewable energy, and about her belief that we can drill our way out of our energy problems

McCain exaggerated Palin's responsibilities as governor of Alaska, Huckabee flat-out lied about the number of votes for Palin as mayor of Wasilla vs. votes for Biden running for the presidential nomination, and Romney lied in claiming that electing Republicans would be a change in Washington.

Why do you think the GOP told so many lies during their convention? Did they think nobody would fact-check them?




  1. Because Republicans can't win on their record, so they lie like their is no tomorow.

  2. Well, I guess since Obama claimed he had a plan for economic viability and energy independence, it's OK for he GOP to lie too. :)

  3. they knew they would be fact checked.

    but they knew it wouldn't happen instantly, as the speech was being given.

    AND  they know that a lot of people don't even know about on-line fact checkers.

  4. When the race comes down to the wire this close (statistical dead-heat, in my opinion), the Spin Doctors take charge.

    Even Rove is weighing in...

    While liberties have and will be taken by both sides, props to Obama for not pandering in his VP pick, or staging a distracting "stand-up" act to grab free media exposure.

    In fact, Talk Radio criticized Obama after his convention speech for not producing enough sound-bites or energizing slogans, for acting too presidential ahead of the final vote. Mature maybe, but perhaps a bit too confident.

    The GOP is seizing this opportunity to throw red meat to their base while casting a net for new, traditionally incompatible votes. Suddenly the tent is large and the smiles are wide.

    ...And the side-show might be working... It was, ironically, hard-left Vladimir Lenin who said, “a lie told often enough becomes truth.”

  5. A couple of reasons...

    ....  they are dillusional.

    ....  their speech writers handed them their scripts - and they just read the teleprompters.

    - or maybe they are just liars.

  6. its what they do

  7. Considering all the lies you tell about global warming I think that you are the last source I would listen to in this regard.

    But you are the kind of "scientist" that will only look at evidence that supports the opinion that you were going to support no matter what any way.

    Tell you what as soon as you demonstrate true scientific dispassion and give the same hard look at Obama (including all the negatives) that you are willing to use on Republicans I will listen to what you have to say.  

    Until then I will just hold you in contempt.

  8. did you not fact check the dems convention and their speeches. anderson cooper called obama on five of them. and obama has offered nothing on energy that is going to take less than thirty years to affect us.face it, she has more credentials and experience than the dem pres candidate. the rest of what you said is a matter of perspective.

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