
Why did the Georgia-Russian War begin?

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Why did the Georgia-Russian WAr begin in the first place?




  1. Ossetia is a formally part of Georgia. But it's going to be an independent republic and Georgia don't like it.

    8th August Georgia began military intervention to the Southern Ossetia killing a lot of people, lots of civilians. Russian people are living there. So, Russia has no choice - they have to defend their people. Even if they live in another country (most of Ossetian people work in Russia and have russian passports). So, russian forces had to enter the region. And to fight with georgian military forces. I think they'll stop, when they reach the Georgia-Ossetian border. Russia don't need another war, it have enough it's own problems.

    BTW - Russian peacemakers were there for a long (and were send by United Nations) and were attacked by georgian military too. So, they had to defend themselfs.

  2. Russia attacked Georgia.

  3. In the first place, probably because Georgia was following its own pro-West course after the fall of the USSR, not pro-Russian. The excuse was as far as I understand, South Osetia, which is a break-away province of Georgia, not Russia. It's a horrible shame, we have not been at war with Georgia for centuries, we were allies for centuries, we have the same religion, we influenced each other's cultures, and now we are at war. This is like the end of the world as I know it.  


  5. Georgia should have the right to determine with whom they ally themselves with,  Russian leaders needs to quit being so paranoid. I don't think Russia should have had its soldiers on Georgian soil( meaning so called peace keepers in S. Ossetia) to begin with it was just an excuse to try to retain control over Georgia, and as far as I am concerned the US and Europe will not do enough to help our friends. They do not have the gonads to stand up to Russia,  which needs to be done in order to prevent a repeat of history.

  6. Some Georgians decided to break away from Georgia and start their own country, South Ossetia.  Kind of like when the South tried to break away from the North in the US civil war or when Chechnya tried to break away from Russia.  The Russians supported the Geogian rebels in South Ossetia and provoked Georgia into attacking to give them an excuse to invade and capture Georgia.

    Mr Author, you're wrong.  South Ossetia broke away from Georgia, not Russia.

    Ron U, how can Russia claim that people who've lived in South Ossetia, Georgia for their entire lives are Russian citizens?  Russia gave them passports to back up it's lie.

  7. Georgia first attacked the Tskhinvali.

    Artillery shelling of the city - it must be complete scoundrel.

  8. The way I read it, this is what happened:

    South Ossetia is a breakaway province of Russia. Georgia launched an attack on South Ossetia. Likewise, Russia retaliated by bombing Georgian air force bases, killing a devastating amount of civilians. I am very ashamed of the world we live in today when things like this happen.  

  9. Because Georgia wants South Ossetia and South Ossetia  doesn't want to be apart of Georgia no more, de-facto they are independent since 1994. At night of 08/08/08/ Georgia atacked that little country and bombed it capital Tshinvali to the ground. 2000 of people are killed.

    Ossetia asked Russia for help, and it is official the UN's peacekeeper there.

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