
Why did the German crowd get so quiet when Obama spoke about the need to cont. war in afghanistan?

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and why did they get so quiet when Barack critisized communists? i bet about half of them left at that point in the speech...




  1. Because they are out of touch socialists

  2. Because they thought only a president would travel to another country to deliver a speech. When they saw it wasn't Bush (being that he's so immensely popular) they left!

  3. I also bet half of them turned up because they saw the constant advertisements the Obama campaign were showing around Germany.

    We are talking about a nation that loves David Hasselhoff music, I cannot take it seriously.


  4. Didn't see the entire speech. I would just say they had nothing to say about it though

  5. It's called listening...  try it you might like it.

  6. They are a people who have been brainwashed to hate their past.   Will they continue to hate themselves for fighting to eat.  Yes, as long as someone else controls the media.  I repulses my German heritage to see the Germans act like a bunch of "wine and cheese" liberals.

  7. BLOBAMA sux

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