
Why did the Government send me $80 to buy a digital converter box for my TV?

by Guest33902  |  earlier

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Since when does the Government get involved with personal purchases? How important must they see TV to subsidize the purchase of converter boxes?

When we switched from black and white to color the government didnt send anyone color TV's or discount color tv coupons.

Why did the government decide to spend millions of dollars of tax money on TV coupon subsidies? What a waste!

Am I going to start getting "coupon cards" for groceries and gas and my mortgage next? Why not decrease taxes instead?

So my question is, What does the government stand to gain from us going to digital TV?

Or, Is this just more evidence that we are becoming socialists and not admitting we are socialists?




  1. Because by a certain date next year, people without high definition tv's will no longer be able to receive a single..............thus no watching tv.

  2. i dont know if you have seen those commercials that say by a certain date in the upcoming months all television broadcasts will go to digital.  this means that the old tvs that get signal via analog will no longer work.  they sent you money because they realize that many americans need to switch, but dont have the funds.

  3. If you don't want don't use it.end of or not by tax money, for taxpayer. we all have to learn to deal with happy with half glass of milk instead of crying for full glass.because both party is they had own way to run office.if republican in office our tax money goes to war.still we have to pay tax.

  4. I think the communications department sells the channels to tv companies so when everything switches to digital there will be more channels to sell so the government will get more money, thus they are able to give the discount coupons.

  5. if you don't want it . don't use it.

    but we will all be going digital soon and without a converter you will not be watching tv anymore if you receive an analog signal

  6. actually, I remember seeing a spot on PBS about that, but you had to request them to get it.....

    Your comparison is incorrect because you could still use your black and white tv. Come switchover time analog tvs will no longer pick up channels. Since I don't get to choose whether or not I loose my free tv channels they are giving a discount (again I thought you had to request it, and I haven't received any) to compensate the FORCED change.

    again, if everyone starts driving electric I can still use my gas right? IF they banned gas powered cars suddenly the equity in my cars (We own both for about 10,000 in equity) is gone and I have to buy new ones so a compensation would be nice, again, because the government is forcing the change.

  7. The switch from black and white to color did not require the purchase of new equipment to remain useful. A black and white TV will still function today.

    "So my question is, What does the government stand to gain from us going to digital TV?" - The simple answer is RF spectrum. The analog TV standard takes a lot of bandwidth per channel. Additionally, it is not in the best place in the RF spectrum for video information. The move allows more channels, in a better RF band while using less of the available RF spectrum.

    "WHY is the government concerned with the fact my TV wont work next year? " - Because your TV will not work next year *because of government action*.

    Additionally, the coupons are only for $50 and are only sent to people that request them and have a need for them. Those people that have satellite or cable TV do not need the converters.

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